Final Fantasy VII - my all time favorite~~~!!!
Xenogears - except for some Evangelion-esque chara designs,
some Gundam allusions, and a whole lot of head-
numbing text play, it is by far my favorite mecha
RPG aside from the Super Robot Taisen series.
Suikoden 1 & 2 - I never really did escape with 6 characters
alive after that confrontation with that evil mist/
zombie dragon infesting your would-be HQ in 1 and
ditto with Abomination in the 2nd, but it was still
worth it. The runes, combined rune attacks, and
Unite attacks were all awesome, same goes for
hunting for all those objects in order for you
to unlock secrets and complete the games'
many mini games-cum-chores.
Final Fantasy Tactics - this has gotten me addicted up to the
very end. And of course, Cloud Strife was
cameo-ing. Who would be ABLE to RESIST
Saiyuki - Journey West (Koei) - having finished this baby at
only Level 41 was no mean feat, I was actually
DESPERATE I won't be able to finish it, but I
persevered and did it. Whew. And its FF Tactics
gameplay only added too much fun. I absolutely
HATE the end boss.
Valkyrie Profile - it's really cool. The countdown was
wracking and adds much to the tension, but
seeing Nibelung Valesti string its many hits into
enemies time and again makes my heart weep
with gladness through it all.
Final Fantasy IX - what can I say?! I'm a Garnet fan.
She MUST appear in KH2. MUST~~~!!!
Least Favorites:
Final Fantasy VIII - ugh. The story was cool and it was
futuristic and all that crap, but I never
had any problems going through this game
unlike its predecessor. It was way TOO
Chrono Cross - I must admit I like this game, and its Element
system, but the world is hideously small to
explore all I want. The whole time I was
bumming around before fighting Lavos, I felt
like a caged animal. The frigging overworld was
just TOO small.
Tales of Destiny - after those island-things went up the sky,
I never was able to get pass this ridiculously
hard maze. DAMN~~~!!! Just when I had
Stahn memorize ALL his Sacred Skills...TT_TT
Beyond the Beyond - >_____< this is even worse than
having Tyrant crash into your birthday
party disguising himself as Barney. No,
no, NO~~~!!! I actually found myself
enjoying THIS one before Suikoden 1
came along and saved me from the
Most Anime-to-Video Game hardware/games - they play like
crap, can't raise a candle to the
terrific anime they were based on, and
give us more calluses and headaches
trying to figure out how the hell
Ryouga did the Shichihokuudan.
Life is short.
Let's all grab a BEER~~~!!!