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Posted 2003-10-27, 05:32 PM in reply to Raziel's post "Favorites/Least Favorites"
Favorite Cities/Kingdoms-Lindblum, Rocket Town, Basaid, Madain Sari
Favorite Weapons-Massamune(you never get it but it owned in FFVII), Punishment(gunblade just before Lionheart in FFVIII), Buster Sword, Katana or Shimmering Blade, Massamune(FFIX)
Favorite Overdrives/Trances/Limit Breaks-Tornado, Omnislash, Chaos, Lionheart, Blitz Ace, Mix(Rikku)
Favorite Characters-Tifa, Cloud, Vincent, Cid, Squall, Rinoa, Garnet, Eiko, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Favorite Villains-Kuja, Seymour Guado, Sephiroth, Seifer Almasy, Sorceress Adel, Rufus Shinra, Black Mages(eEVIL), Yunalesca(I can't explain it...),

Everybody or thing I didn't list is stupid.
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Kuja`s #1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenKuja`s #1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Kuja`s #1