Favorites/Least Favorites
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Posted 2003-10-26, 08:31 PM in reply to
's post
"Favorites/Least Favorites"
Well thats an interesting theory any reason why ? (i havnt played CC)
Final Fantasy Game: FF9
Non-Final Fantasy Game: Chrono Trigger/Robotrek
Character: Magus/Gogo (Chrono Trigger/FF6) I suposed you meant that you can control ?
Side-Character: General Leo/Beatrix (FF6)
Villain: Kuja/Kefka (FF9/FF6)
Boss: Ozma (FF9)
Enemy: Malboro (FF7,FF8 and FF9 i think)
Weapon: Lionheart (FF8)
Skill/Technique: Bad Breath (FF7,FF8 and FF9 i think)
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Grand Lethal (FF9)
Spell: Ultima (FF9)
Summon: Alexander (FF9)
Town: Esthar (FF8)
Dungeon: Last Dungeon (FF6)
FMV: Kuja at Burmecia (FF9)
Mini-Game: Card game (FF9)
Least Favorites
Final Fantasy Game: None (didnt play FF10 but it look shitty)
Non-Final Fantasy Game: None that i remember.
Character: Umaro (FF6)
Side-Character: Those fool in avalanche (FF7)
Villain: None that i can remember.
Boss: Slasher (Chrono Trigger)
Enemy: Tonberry (Super tough and no reward. Sign me up!)
Weapon: Rinoa weapon (FF7)
Skill/Technique: None that i can remember.
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Cait Sith's
Spell: Death (FF9 Almost never work..)
Summon: Cactus (FF8)
Town: Bone Village (FF7)
Dungeon: The one where you can get Gau after everyone split (FF6)
FMV: Cloud and Tifa fall into the Lifestream (FF7)
Mini-Game: There must be one i just cant remember.