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Raziel 2003-10-26 02:08 PM

Favorites/Least Favorites
I'm posting this just so we can get all of the "What's your favorite *blank*" threads out of our systems.


Final Fantasy Game: FF9
Non-Final Fantasy Game: Tie - Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross
Character: Magus (Chrono Trigger)
Side-Character: General Leo (FF6)
Villain: Kuja (FF9)
Boss: Culex (Super Mario RPG)
Enemy: Any kind of Imp (Chrono Trigger)
Weapon: Lionheart (FF8)
Skill/Technique: Strong Arm (Chrono Cross)
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Satellite Beam (FF7)
Spell: Ultranova (Chrono Cross)
Summon: Odin (FF9 or FF4)
Town: Tie - Zeal (Chrono Trigger)/Icicle Inn (FF7)
Dungeon: Giant of Bab-Il (FF4)
FMV: Kuja at Burmecia (FF9)
Mini-Game: Beetle Hill Race (Super Mario RPG)

Least Favorites

Final Fantasy Game: FF10
Non-Final Fantasy Game: Threads of Fate
Character: Wakka (FF10)
Side-Character: Baigan (FF4)
Villain: Seymour (FF10)
Boss: Calbrena (FF4)
Enemy: Tonberry (Super tough and no reward. Sign me up!)
Weapon: Wakka's Blitzball (FF10)
Skill/Technique: Enemy Skill (FF7)
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Slot (Cait Sith's or Selphie's)
Spell: Venom (FF4...1 HP of damage...the fuck?)
Summon: Ixion (FF10...it's a fucking unicorn!?!?)
Town: Wutai (FF7)
Dungeon: Temple of the Ancients (FF7)
FMV: Cloud and Tifa fall into the Lifestream (FF7)
Mini-Game: Triple Triad (FF8)

Sum Yung Guy 2003-10-26 05:33 PM

Are any of those favorites/least favorites from any Enix games?

Oh and about Magus as your favorite character, you put him as just (chrono trigger) it should be (chrono trigger/chrono cross) since he is a playable character in chrono cross... not the same name but he is the same person.

Raziel 2003-10-26 07:35 PM

No, Magus isn't a playable character in CC. Janus might be one of the characters. It's rumored that Guile is the alternate reality version of Janus (Guile being the lighter side and Magus being the darker side) but there is no proof of it. When I say "Magus" I mean the dark wizard from CT.

And no, none of the games on my list are Enix games. The only games of theirs that I played extensively were Actraiser 1 and 2, The 7th Saga and Illusion of Gaia. There was nothing I liked or disliked more about those games than the games I have listed, so I didn't include them.

Kuja 2003-10-26 08:31 PM

Well thats an interesting theory any reason why ? (i havnt played CC)


Final Fantasy Game: FF9
Non-Final Fantasy Game: Chrono Trigger/Robotrek
Character: Magus/Gogo (Chrono Trigger/FF6) I suposed you meant that you can control ?
Side-Character: General Leo/Beatrix (FF6)
Villain: Kuja/Kefka (FF9/FF6)
Boss: Ozma (FF9)
Enemy: Malboro (FF7,FF8 and FF9 i think)
Weapon: Lionheart (FF8)
Skill/Technique: Bad Breath (FF7,FF8 and FF9 i think)
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Grand Lethal (FF9)
Spell: Ultima (FF9)
Summon: Alexander (FF9)
Town: Esthar (FF8)
Dungeon: Last Dungeon (FF6)
FMV: Kuja at Burmecia (FF9)
Mini-Game: Card game (FF9)

Least Favorites

Final Fantasy Game: None (didnt play FF10 but it look shitty)
Non-Final Fantasy Game: None that i remember.
Character: Umaro (FF6)
Side-Character: Those fool in avalanche (FF7)
Villain: None that i can remember.
Boss: Slasher (Chrono Trigger)
Enemy: Tonberry (Super tough and no reward. Sign me up!)
Weapon: Rinoa weapon (FF7)
Skill/Technique: None that i can remember.
Limit Break/Trance/Overdrive: Cait Sith's
Spell: Death (FF9 Almost never work..)
Summon: Cactus (FF8)
Town: Bone Village (FF7)
Dungeon: The one where you can get Gau after everyone split (FF6)
FMV: Cloud and Tifa fall into the Lifestream (FF7)
Mini-Game: There must be one i just cant remember.

Raziel 2003-10-26 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kuja
Well thats an interesting theory any reason why ? (i havnt played CC)

Well, it's a minor spoiler, but if you really want to know why...

Towards the end of CC, Kid recieves a letter from one of the characters from CT explaining a bunch of plot elements, but also creating a ton of other questions in the process. At the end of the letter, the author says something like "I know you'll be safe because 'He' is there to protect you. P.S. Janus, if you let anything happen to her, I'll kick your ass."

That little "P.S." suggests that one of the characters in the game is actually an alternate-future version of Janus. The two big possibilities are that it's either Serge or Guile. Serge, because the reference seems a little too important for it to be any of the side characters. Guile, because it would more logically fit with the story of the game. Either way, it's not Magus, it's a grown up version of Janus, only if he took a different path than the one that lead to him becoming Magus. Did that make any sense?

Kuja 2003-10-26 09:21 PM

Even tho like i said i havnt played CC it seem to be making sense :)

Raziel 2003-10-26 09:44 PM

Yeah, well shit I forgot to explain who Serge and Guile are.

Serge is the main character. Pretty self-explanatory. Guile is one of the other playable characters, but he's not one that you are required to recruit. In fact, on your first trip through the game, you have to pick between him, a rock star named Nikki and a pansy-ass fencer named Pierre.

!King_Amazon! 2003-10-26 09:52 PM

I don't know why but both times I played the game I ended up picking Pierre..

Rurouni Storm 2003-10-26 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Raziel
No, Magus isn't a playable character in CC. Janus might be one of the characters. It's rumored that Guile is the alternate reality version of Janus (Guile being the lighter side and Magus being the darker side) but there is no proof of it. When I say "Magus" I mean the dark wizard from CT.

Originally, Guile was actually supposed to be Magus in disguise. In Radical Dreamers, he was. They cut that out because he doesn't have enough character development in CC.

!King_Amazon! 2003-10-26 10:49 PM

He is right there, in Radical Dreamers Guile was in fact Magus in disguise.

Raziel 2003-10-26 11:32 PM

I've heard people say that, but personally I think it would have ben pretty retarded to have Magus as Guile. I prefer the idea of him being an alternate reality version of Magus. Like the other side of the Janus coin.

!King_Amazon! 2003-10-26 11:35 PM

Well in radical dreamers guile was magus in disguise, you must accept this.

Rurouni Storm 2003-10-27 08:20 AM

He was also with you most of the game and was involved in the plot.

The Guile from CC didn't seem at all like Janus. I like Raz's theory there.

Kuja 2003-10-27 08:37 AM

Just for the fun of it. In CC does he still wear the amulet his sister gave him in CT ?

Kuja`s #1 2003-10-27 05:32 PM

Favorite Cities/Kingdoms-Lindblum, Rocket Town, Basaid, Madain Sari
Favorite Weapons-Massamune(you never get it but it owned in FFVII), Punishment(gunblade just before Lionheart in FFVIII), Buster Sword, Katana or Shimmering Blade, Massamune(FFIX)
Favorite Overdrives/Trances/Limit Breaks-Tornado, Omnislash, Chaos, Lionheart, Blitz Ace, Mix(Rikku)
Favorite Characters-Tifa, Cloud, Vincent, Cid, Squall, Rinoa, Garnet, Eiko, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Favorite Villains-Kuja, Seymour Guado, Sephiroth, Seifer Almasy, Sorceress Adel, Rufus Shinra, Black Mages(eEVIL), Yunalesca(I can't explain it...),

Everybody or thing I didn't list is stupid.

Raziel 2003-10-27 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kuja
Just for the fun of it. In CC does he still wear the amulet his sister gave him in CT ?

Here's a link to a picture of Guile. It's not really high-quality, but it gets the job done. I honestly can't tell if he's wearing the Amulet, but I don't recall it being mentioned in the game.



Originally Posted by Kuja`s #1
Everybody or thing I didn't list is stupid.

That's a pretty broad statement. There's a metric ton of stuff that you didn't list, dude.

Kuja`s #1 2003-10-27 05:54 PM

Hmmmmmm..... Good point. I'm manily FF. I did play FF3-6, just never finished them. The only one I did kinda like is the one where you end up on a pirate ship after playing for like 30 minutes. The other one I really hated was the one involving: your a knight, you kill a monster, its a summon and you killed some girls mother.

The other one I kinda liked was where ou meat a treasure hunter and you have to fight off people with Moogles.

Raziel 2003-10-27 06:30 PM

The mother-killing knight was FF4, the pirate ship was FF5 and the moogle battle was FF6.

Kuja`s #1 2003-10-27 06:36 PM

Thanks. I can't remember a thing about FF3 though... I played it like.....years ago.

Raziel 2003-10-27 07:00 PM

Well, unless you know Japanese I wouldn't imagine that you'd remember any of FF3.

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