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Commentary on D3V's Post, The Amazing Atheist
Posted 2009-02-21, 04:26 AM
I'll post his post first, removing the actual videos for size, leaving the links.

D3V said: [Goto]
Here is a new Youtube guys that i've stumbled onto recently, who basically kills it every video he posts, and now is starting a few "ownage" videos where basically he finds ignorant, dumb religious people on youtube, and destroys them. It's brilliant to watch, give it a shot.






Good stuff, you guys should register on youtube and leave some comments, show this guy some love.
Now, to start off, I am a Christian. I've been so for just a few years. I cannot back my faith up with scripture, but my argument here isn't the validity of my faith anyway. I was not offended by his post, but I did find it necessary to ask a question. Please read my post before responding or your response won't seem valid to me.

Also, the use of "you" is not levied at D3V, I like the guy, it's more 3rd person "you all" than anything.

Here we go.

D3V said: [Goto]
now is starting a few "ownage" videos where basically he finds ignorant, dumb religious people on youtube, and destroys them.
Ah sweet! That's awesome. Somebody seeking out and harassing people? I'd LOVE to see that! Yet, as you sit here and laugh about it, do you realize what you're doing? Making fun of others based off of their beliefs? That's nice. That's so sweet. Compassion, I love it. Why? You choose to believe what you believe, they choose to do the same. How did they cross the line and offend you? Sure, some Christian (I will use considering the animosity shown by most members here) may have condemned you or cast a word of spite in your direction because of your faith, or lack thereof. But it is their fault, not their faith, when blame is set. Certainly Christ, a man teaching love and compassion for one another isn't to blame. His intentions seem pure. Did He offend you? I think not. How could someone from so long ago offend you? So it must be the Christian man that offended you. Not the fact that he's Christian.

Don't mention Crusades or "witch" burnings (since so many people seem to bring up). Did Christ do that? I think not. Did a man in a seat of power? Yes. Was it Christ? I think not. So, if I understand this correctly you're laughing, making fun of, mocking a certain people because they have faith in Christ who, as I understand did absolutely no harm to anyone... what does that make you? Surely anyone who has been insulted because of their race, sex, sexual preference, what-have-you, knows the answer to that:


Let's define its opposite.



  1. The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.
So, I'll assume that you do not wish to be called intolerant. Sure, not many people do. Explain yourself then. Tell me why you can hate someone with a different faith than you and not be intolerant?

You may offer a rebuttal that says something along the lines of, "I don't hate them for having a different faith---" Stop right there. Then why do you hate them? Haven't I already discussed that man his self is the reason for bad things. So the blame is with man, nothing else.

So why do you hate Christians?

That is my question.

Some people hate anyone who believes in a higher power just because they know the truth that there is nothing beyond death. So, since you're so sure, why do you feel the need to belittle those who have faith in God? Not to stifle your own insecurity that you might be wrong, right? How could your disbelief and my belief affect you at all this moment? It doesn't. I've done nothing to you, in fact I respect you. Anyone who doesn't believe in God, I respect you. You're certainly a stronger person than I. I'd rather have someone hold my hand through life than stumble into a pit on my own. Because really, all we are is alone. Everyone of us is blind and cold and alone. No one knows the truth, no one knows the end and not everyone has the capacity to believe. That's understandable.

I'd like to quote the Beatles now:


Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
Examine the last line. "Living life in peace..."

Well, what is peace? My definition of peace is: compassion for one another, caring, love, absence of anger, greed or coveting. Doesn't it sound great? What's yours?

I learned my definition of peace from Christ. Where did you learn yours? If your definition is similar to mine, yours must of been from Christ as well.

Oh, wait, you want to get rid of him. Keep him out of our schools, out of our courtrooms and lawmaking. Yes, get rid of those good things, the compassion and love. Don't tell me you can still have those things and not have Christ. He is the spirit of love, he is the embodiment of compassion and he serves as a daily reminder to treat each other kindly. What has he done to you?

Loved you. Whether literally or through another person is up to your beliefs.

"A guy on the street help me pick up my groceries when I dropped them, but he wasn't a Christian!" Sure, that's understandable. But were his parents? Family members? Possibly, considering the rate of Christians was higher then than now. I guess they taught him compassion too.

Put several four year olds in a room and let them grow up and see if they know compassion. Humans as a rule need someone to nurture them as the grow. A mother or father. But who says that that needs to stop with your parents? "Yes, I'm eighteen, I can legally move out! I'm done listening to these guys!" Sure, but also as a rule humans are greedy, consumer-driven people. We covet and want all the time. A slap on the wrist is needed every now and then. What happens when you have no spiritual foundation to base your decisions off of?

Those decisions can't be based on love and compassion, you don't know what those are. You just know "me-me-me, mine-mine-mine. What I want. The new things I need."

So, covering the fact that we are selfish, egotistical, arogant, greedy, lustful, adulterous bastards, where do you see our species in 100 years? Not to far off from where we are now. But continue the abandonment of God and think again where we'll be?

I don't wish to. Our species is spiralling further and further down into hatred of each other.

What has prevented our eventual downfall so far? Christ.

So I ask again, why do you hate Christians? Because they have faith in a man that teaches you to treat everyone around you with love, that has loved and known you since before the universe was created, that only wants you to accept him and love him, nothing else. That is all. No baptism, no communion, no rosaries, nothing but accepting him and loving him. That's all. So many people seem to think that you have to work so hard to be saved, you don't.

I'll let you believe in nothing, or some other god, sure. I won't judge you, I won't make fun of you, I won't hate you. You can do as you wish. But I love you. I'm human and I will find reasons to be annoyed with you, but if my Savior loves you, I do too.

So I ask for the last time, why do you hate Christians?

D3V said: [Goto]
show this guy some love.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-21, 09:42 AM in reply to Wed-G's post "Commentary on D3V's Post, The Amazing..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
So I ask again, why do you hate Christians? Because they have faith in a man that teaches you to treat everyone around you with love, that has loved and known you since before the universe was created, that only wants you to accept him and love him, nothing else. That is all. No baptism, no communion, no rosaries, nothing but accepting him and loving him. That's all. So many people seem to think that you have to work so hard to be saved, you don't.

I'll let you believe in nothing, or some other god, sure. I won't judge you, I won't make fun of you, I won't hate you. You can do as you wish. But I love you. I'm human and I will find reasons to be annoyed with you, but if my Savior loves you, I do too.

Fail...your statements directly contradict what you're trying to converse.

This is great, a Christin talking of intolerance. Wed-G, you're intolerant. In fact, everyone here is intolerant. Why, how is this proved? Gays, incest, and rape prove this. Most of us are intolerant of incest and rape, correct? And the Christin's are intolerant of gays.

D3V doesn't hate Christins Wed-G. He hates idiots. It's quite obvious if you open your eyes, like the little message at the bottom right of all Zelaron pages, "This site is best seen with your eyes open."

Wed-G said:
Making fun of others based off of their beliefs?

Nope, he was laughing at them because they're crazy, idiotic, bastards spewing out information that has no stable grounds on which to build some sort of logical explanation for.

Wed-G said:
So I ask for the last time, why do you hate Christians?

He doesn't, and he'll probably say the same. Though I shouldn't be talking for him. I was going after your failed post. You took things way out of their original context and had your little rant. You attacked him on his intolerance of Chrisitins, and I've now attacked you on your intolerance of his way of thinking.

I'm so tired of crap like this. This is a bunch of bullshit that you weren't offended by his comment. Had you not been offended, you wouldn't be hiding behind your religion protecting it with everything you've got.

Wed-G, attack me now. Just try it. I'm a greedy, vain, intolerant, agnostic bastard. Go ahead. I'm open to your attacks.

Goodnight, I'm tired, it's too early.
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I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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Last edited by Goodlookinguy; 2009-02-21 at 10:04 AM.
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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-21, 10:48 AM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "Fail...your statements directly..."
I probably should've asked for an intelligent response. You obviously didn't read since you thought I was attacking D3V. Next, please?

I'm a greedy, vain, questionong bastard, I'm open to attacks as well, but read what I said without thinking I'm angry. All I basically said was Christ loves you, what has he done to recieve you hate?

Last edited by Wed-G; 2009-02-21 at 10:53 AM.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-21, 10:55 AM in reply to Wed-G's post "Commentary on D3V's Post, The Amazing..."
Not that I am trying to defend or attack a whole people, I am just explaining my views.

I don't hate Christians because they believe, I hate them because they try to use that belief to place them higher than others. Not all, I'll admit, but most all that I have come across do. If you have read the book, and I'm sure you have Wed-G, "The Shack", it is an extremely good book written by a Christian who ended up meeting God, who was actually 3 people. The Holy Spirit, The Father, and Jesus(man), but it points out exactly what many non-believers are disgusted of, and that is that Man uses him as a way of instillling fear and forcing loyalty. Why? I can't tell you an exact reason, there are a number of them. Heck, in the book, God says Christianity(actually he points out all religion) is, in itself, a tool he dislikes for getting Man to follow something. You shouldn't love him because you are forced to, or out of fear. It should be something you come on to yourself. And if some never find their way, it doesn't matter, because when they die, they will see and they will be forgiven. Not once did he say that if you didn't follow his strict guidelines, you would parish in the eternal flames of hell. He also brings up the 10 Commandments, not as rules, but examples of how every man sins. I think it's a good book regardless of the message.

As far as the morals go, I don't think whether or not a person is religious has any effect on their morals. There is the obvious, such as "Don't take that which doesn't belong to you", because if you didn't do anything to earn it, you don't deserve it. If anything, I say intelligence, or lack thereof, is a better judge for someone's actions, not religion.
Jan. 1926 - Dec. 2010 est.

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Well, you carry a UB-21 Schnauzer with an OPS Silencer, that's KGB, You prefer an 18-K over an AK, Your surveillance technique is NSA, Your ID is CIA, you recieved your PHD at NYU, traded in your GTO for a BMW, you listen to CD's by REM and STP, and you'd like to see JFK in his BVDs getting down with OPP and you probably put the toilet paper back on the roll with the paper on the inside...
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Draco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-02-21, 11:14 AM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "I probably should've asked for an..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
I probably should've asked for an intelligent response. You obviously didn't read since you thought I was attacking D3V. Next, please?

I'm a greedy, vain, questionong bastard, I'm open to attacks as well, but read what I said without thinking I'm angry. All I basically said was Christ loves you, what has he done to recieve you hate?

BA! You obviously didn't understand what I wrote. Your ignorance blinds you. I heard your little message, but it's bullshit. I attacked it by stating that Christins are intolerant of gays, and appearntly Christ as well, which shows that they are not giving love to everyone. -- try again
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疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-21, 01:06 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "BA! You obviously didn't understand..."
So, ChristiAnity teaches gay-bashing? Where? It calls the act itself "abomination" but does NOT condone mistreating anyone under those circumstances. Yet again, it's mans influence and prejudice, not of Christianity itself. Try again, mkay?

Draco, thank you for actually reading my post. I can understand (definitely where I live) that some Christians often think more of themselves than they should. You and I are the same. No better, no worse. I'd like to read that book now, it seems to mirror my views that absolutely nothing but faith is necessary and that organized religion is frivolous. I'd like to counter your intelligence point though. How is it intelligent to murder your family and burn the house (as happened to my girlfriends friend)? Or to murder unborn children under the defense of choice when the choice should be "have sex or don't?"

That intelligence is flawed, though the examples might be as well.

Also, I'd like to hear from KA, Thanatos, WKFF and even D3V. I'm kinda tired of mister-scrubs-macjunior, here.

Last edited by Wed-G; 2009-02-21 at 01:09 PM.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-21, 01:18 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "So, ChristiAnity teaches gay-bashing?..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
So, ChristiAnity teaches gay-bashing? Where? It calls the act itself "abomination" but does NOT condone mistreating anyone under those circumstances. Yet again, it's mans influence and prejudice, not of Christianity itself. Try again, mkay?

Or is it the Bible and other biblical scriptures that influence and suggest said prejudices against people who believe something other than what is written. Your argument isn't against D3V and your question fails to relate to his writing in any way. Do you not see it? Why else did I call you blind? His comments, like I stated earlier, were not at Christins, it was at idiots. However, you keep standing behind your beliefs holding tightly instead of giving your actual thoughts regardless of what the Bible and other scriptures tell you and suggest upon you. That he must be attacking Christins and hating them.

Wed-G said: [Goto]
Draco, thank you for actually reading my post. I can understand (definitely where I live) that some Christians often think more of themselves than they should. You and I are the same. No better, no worse. I'd like to read that book now, it seems to mirror my views that absolutely nothing but faith is necessary and that organized religion is frivolous. I'd like to counter your intelligence point though. How is it intelligent to murder your family and burn the house (as happened to my girlfriends friend)? Or to murder unborn children under the defense of choice when the choice should be "have sex or don't?"

That intelligence is flawed, though the examples might be as well.

Unborn creatures are not children, geez. Hey, I've got a present Ass Scruber, fuck you and your religion.
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疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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Last edited by Goodlookinguy; 2009-02-21 at 01:22 PM.
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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-21, 02:44 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "Or is it the Bible and other biblical..."
I think you totally missed everything I said.

His post said "religious people" to which I changed to Christian for the sake of arguement then generalized "you" to include everyone who has any problem with Christians.

It's so funny that you call me intolerant of gays when you use the unmistakeably derogatory comment "ass scruber." Then again, it might not be in reference to a certain act but I know it was.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-21, 03:30 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "So, ChristiAnity teaches gay-bashing?..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
I'd like to counter your intelligence point though. How is it intelligent to murder your family and burn the house (as happened to my girlfriends friend)? Or to murder unborn children under the defense of choice when the choice should be "have sex or don't?"

That intelligence is flawed, though the examples might be as well.
Actually, that would display a lack of intelligence. I don't think it wise to assume it was due to lack of religion though, as in the Muslim world, it is expected of one to behead his wife should a marriage fall through. Not to say they are less intelligent, but come on! Why else would you off the birthgivers, the only way to continue your bloodline?

And the only way I agree with abortion is if a woman gets raped. Other than that, I think the woman should keep the kid. If you were 'responsible' enough to have sex, then you are responsible enough to have the kid. If you don't want it, there are plenty of families that can't have kids and would do well to raise one through adoption.
Jan. 1926 - Dec. 2010 est.

Check the Gallery and Scrapbook often!
[deviantArt Account!]

Spy Hard
Agent WD-40:
Well, you carry a UB-21 Schnauzer with an OPS Silencer, that's KGB, You prefer an 18-K over an AK, Your surveillance technique is NSA, Your ID is CIA, you recieved your PHD at NYU, traded in your GTO for a BMW, you listen to CD's by REM and STP, and you'd like to see JFK in his BVDs getting down with OPP and you probably put the toilet paper back on the roll with the paper on the inside...
Profile PM WWW Search
Draco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-02-21, 04:34 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "I think you totally missed everything I..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
I think you totally missed everything I said.

His post said "religious people" to which I changed to Christian for the sake of arguement then generalized "you" to include everyone who has any problem with Christians.

I missed nothing. I know how you changed it, and I'm telling you that he doesn't hate Christins and was not trying to offend all. Only the dumb, ignorant fools. That statement was not a general statement, and you like I stated previously, took it out of context. I know he'll eventually post and tell you that he doesn't hate "religious people."

It's so funny that you call me intolerant of gays when you use the unmistakeably derogatory comment "ass scruber."Then again, it might not be in reference to a certain act but I know it was.

I'm intolerant, I stated that earlier, "I'm a greedy, vain, intolerant, agnostic bastard." Oh, and it looks like you might have understood the reason I stated "ass scruber." That part was actually meant as a joke.
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疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-21, 05:07 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "I missed nothing. I know how you..."
Goodlookinguy said: [Goto]

Goodlookinguy said: [Goto]
I know he'll eventually post and tell you that he doesn't hate "religious people.
Why would he? I never targeted him when I said that. Like I have stated, several times to the point of frustration, this is not meant as an attack on D3V (or anyone for that matter) and I am not asking him why he hates Christians. I don't believe he hates them. It's a generalization for anyone against Christians. I said "I will use considering the animosity shown by most members here" in reference to Christians because I haven't seen anyone here target Muslims or Buddhists because of their faith.

Also, what is the difference between:

Wed-G said:
Making fun of others based off of their beliefs?
Goodlookinguy said:
laughing at them because they're crazy, idiotic, bastards
Draco2003 said:
Actually, that would display a lack of intelligence. I don't think it wise to assume it was due to lack of religion though
I agree. A lack of intelligence that could be helped with the morals taught by Christ. Islam has laws that result in death, like Christianity does, yet for different reasons. I'd like to assume, though I don't have the evidence to back it up, that New Testament Christianity does not condemn anyone to death and allow a man to carry out the judgment. I know the OT does (in reference to bestiality).
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-21, 08:25 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "OH MY GOD, SPELL IT RIGHT!!! Why..."
Christins suck
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2009-02-21, 10:38 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "Christins suck"
Grav said: [Goto]
Christins suck

Yes, Christins do suck. Now I've just offended people in whole.

Also, what is the difference between:

Making fun of others based off of their beliefs?
laughing at them because they're crazy, idiotic, bastards

When I was stating a comment on making fun of other based off their beliefs, I was referring to their God complex since you were bring it up. If it was a general statement you're now lying down, then there is no difference.
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疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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Last edited by Goodlookinguy; 2009-02-21 at 10:46 PM.
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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-21, 11:22 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "Yes, Christins do suck. Now I've just..."
Goodlookinguy said: [Goto]
you're now lying down
Not now, but I did have a lovely nap.

See, once you grow up a little more, you understand that jobs make you very sleepy.

I'm glad to see that people are taking this so seriously.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-22, 12:04 AM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "Not now, but I did have a lovely nap. ..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
Not now, but I did have a lovely nap.

See, once you grow up a little more, you understand that jobs make you very sleepy.

I'm glad to see that people are taking this so seriously.

I've been up from 4 AM till what is now 11 AM, I'm tired, I was tired in the morning. And I do have a job, you seem to think I'm young. Ha, that's a kicker. I write my age differently on every site I go. Usually my age is anywhere from 16-25. Oh, and 36 at one place. No one actually knows how old I am. Though you can keep guessing. I think I'm either 17 or 18 here.
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疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

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#01 Clannad ~After Story~
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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-22, 12:36 AM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "I've been up from 4 AM till what is now..."
Hmm. I went from 6:30pm the previous day to 8pm just a few hours ago. 26 almost, I believe.

Also, you've let too much information slip in the past about school and your brother for me to take that seriously.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-02-22, 05:22 AM in reply to Wed-G's post "Commentary on D3V's Post, The Amazing..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
So, covering the fact that we are selfish, egotistical, arogant, greedy, lustful, adulterous bastards, where do you see our species in 100 years? Not to far off from where we are now. But continue the abandonment of God and think again where we'll be?
More glasses and contacts. More cripples. More autistics. More blind. More deaf. With the evolution of technology, we letting the humans who wouldn't have been able to survive thousands of years ago breed.
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Sum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be
Sum Yung Guy

Posted 2009-02-22, 10:33 AM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "Hmm. I went from 6:30pm the previous..."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
Hmm. I went from 6:30pm the previous day to 8pm just a few hours ago. 26 almost, I believe.

Also, you've let too much information slip in the past about school and your brother for me to take that seriously.
I do have a job. I haven't let too much information slip. How would you know the person in question is my brother? I'm amazing at staying completely hidden. He could be someone I met at another forum and asked to act as a brother. I quite possibly come up with this whole scheme because I was really bored. The whole school thing was true, but what type of school was I going to? That's the question, I could have been going to High School or Collage. I did put up my picture recently, take a look at that, maybe it's a real picture. Try to figure out how old I am from that. The other Zelaron members were chitchatting that I was 17. All they did was read the profile age. Once again, I told you Wed-G, no one actually knows how old I am. And if you don't know me personally, then there's no way to prove I am anything I put on this site or anything anyone writes. That includes this block of writing. :)

I think I'm done for today. I'm tired, again.
Work List
疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。

I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.

Speed Test
Favorite Anime/Manga
#01 Clannad ~After Story~
#02 Trigun {Maximum}
#03 Koi Kaze
#04 Berserk
#05 Outlaw Star
#06 Slayers
#07 Desert Punk
#08 Spirited Away
#09 Fullmetal Alchemist
#10 Shakugan no Shana
#11 Death Note
#12 FLCL
#13 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
#14 Toradora
#15 Gunslinger Girl

Anime List
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Goodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beGoodlookinguy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-02-22, 02:24 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "I do have a job. I haven't let too..."
Well... you're a creepster. And not impressing anyone.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2009-02-22, 04:23 PM in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "I do have a job. I haven't let too..."
GLG said:
I refuse to believe you have an IQ of 200 or whatever the hell you said.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics


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