VB6 is only available with Visual Studio 6. Visual Basic for Applications is based on VB6 and is available in more recent office suites. As far as MS is concerned, VB6 and its VBA varient are dead languages, replaced by VB.net which apparently is incompatible with most VB6 programs.
.Net. Eugh. I feel dirty, now.
And no, GLG, no pictures of Visual Studio 2008. VS2008 can burn in hell, as far as I'm concerned.
Other pictures... a few, but not many.
And you can post bits of the tutorials, yes, but not the whole things - I'm going to be putting them on my blog, and I'd quite like traffic, you see. I'd be fine with you putting up the tutorial up to the end of the first program within each one (the second if it's a long tutorial), with a link to my site if people want to read the rest. Maybe even three quarters of each tutorial - you can probably understand why I only want the full things on my blog, and in threads I make, yes?
If anyone is wondering, after reading WW's post, why I'm going for VB6, it's because I've been taught VB6, and I don't want to spend the time and go through the hassle of changing the syntax I know.
There are also a huge number of companies that still use VB6 to build programs (at least there are in Britain) - company-wide systems could be built entirely in VB6. It would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds in training, and more in wages and time lost to update the programs to the latest Visual Basic, so they stick with VB6.