I am currently at school doing my visual basic modules. The teacher does not want to pay the money for the visual basic 6 professional upgrade but he might because he cant figure this out. So please help me.
We have these school modules that we are doing. the program will play a movie through microsoft windows media player 9 series. in the module we make buttons to substite the old ones. The tutorial that we are taking tells us to put this piece of code in the play button:
where medVideo is the name of the media player and play is the command to make it play. The school is using visual basic 6 professional and i see it says version 8176. If anyone could help please do!
hmm...you neeed 2 have the buttons open a song 4.then write a section of code 2 issue the command 2 stop the file.ill look into it i did visual 4 maybe a year.