ramfan92 said:
like i said if u dont like my threads then dont fuckin read them
The problem with this is, nobody reads your threads because they're unintelligent and incoherent. Try using a little grammar and punctuation skills to get people to respond to your pathetic threads.
u are alittle bitch because u are always talking shit i will beat ur ass stop bitchin fuckin loser
Excuse me...
what!? I'm the one "always" talking shit and yet you threaten to beat my ass over the Internet. No, I'm not talking shit. I thought you were a bot in the beginning because you drone on about pointless things, I wasn't trying to start anything. I stand corrected, you are not a bot, you are a retarded individual with no common sense. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
i bet you are a gay ass computer freak that still lives with his parents
You couldn't be more wrong. The only time I have access to a computer is at my job where I work full-time then go home to
my own apartment. Nice assumptions. Care to be wrong at anything else?
u wanna talk decent college basketball then fucking grow up u little bitch
That's what I've been trying to do but it appears as if you are incapable of intelligent conversation and resort to name-calling. How can I compete with this? I simply cannot.
Good luck having somebody else reply to your threads.