D3V said:
Oh, and that one time you banned be for using profanity, nice shot below the belt.
Kool I make mistakes. Guess I'm human.
d3v said:
If the title under your name doesn't mean shit, then please remove it, and turn the staff into a covert-type deal. Most of the time I bitch about a staff's decision is when it is unfair mainly towards me or anybody else in the argument. (Had several posts closed because they were anti-sov and a few that bashed the staff). SO I did end up PMming you and you deleted it, tried contacting you over aim you told me to fuck off blocked me..etc.etc. The Forums have gone to shit with you here Sov, as sup mod you lose, as you have not done anything positive for Zelaron.
Why make it covert. You allw ill Still no know whot he staff are. Those titles are there to make newer members know who staff are. Remove them for all I care itll do nothing. I tell you to fuck off over aim because you are annoying, and when you DO contact me, you whine. You keep on saying I've done nothing positive yet for over a year I have kept my position, while you have lost YOURS. By the way If you want to bring up lkittle isolated incidents of bad actions, I can probably find at least 50 towards you.
d3v said:
As for Grav, he used to be a funny person in my opinion, then one day he got modded (for some thread that nobody knows of...iuno.) And he starts spamming every fucking reply he can with random bullshit that should be deleted according to the rules. I think you guys do need to crack down tighter on the bullshit and crackdown shit mainly besides chat forum, where bullshit is allowed.
It was because he was voted wow guild leader...... a position that YOU guys voted for him.
d3v said:
I don't see how you can get off saying we are just as responsible for what goes on here, yes you are our role models (supposed to be...forum wise, so what do we look up to? A stupid fat loser hippie who smokes/drinks and lives in his mom's basement). But when one of you two, or any other staff member for that matter goes around bullshitting excessively, the members follow do the same, forums turn to hell, ban all.
I live upstairs. I don't smoke, and even If I did everyday It's none of your business. I dont even see wehre you're getting the mom's basement and drinking from. Wanna play a make believe game of false and irrelavant information? You know whatt this is called d3v, its called slander. As part of my new outlook on modding, if you continue to post slanderous material towards me, you will be temp banned.
I'm telling you it's not our jobs to be role models, and you're saying it is. Are you retarded?
If you HONESTLY need a role modle for a forum, please close yoru eyes, and change your pw by randomly basing your keyboard. Same with the pw recovery email addy.
You are acting as though all members are mindless drones. Are you calling the whole forum stupid and mindless? Because I'm sure people have free will. People are just not posting they way you want, so you are looking for a scape goat and putting it on the staff for being 'bad role modles'. They are pretty much posting what they want when they want.
By the way, remember these events?
[02:46] Wanker22287: Dev...we have matching ips on the imposterchruser and one of yoru ip adresses....if it was you confess now and i promise it will only be a temp ban
[02:46] Wanker22287: no more then 3 days
[02:46] DevJeepCherokee: How did it match?
[02:47] Wanker22287: penguin can pull up a list of all the ip's you used. HE found a matching one
[02:47] DevJeepCherokee: Yeah, it was me, sorry for dragging you into it, but when he said that I was gonna get banned i freaked out and started lying , oh well, guess it can't be taken back, sorry
Or this incident when Ex temp banned you?
ex-mania said:
and said he's a superior lifeform than me cuz hes american?
That first one happened late in 2003 when i was a mod of STARCRAFT. I had no power other then a little forum I was trying to kick life into. The second one happened middle of last year when I was a strict straight edge mod. You have ALWAYS been like this, and I'm sure I can find exmaples of other people always acting they way they are now, before any of the current sup mods (minus james, you old fart!) were modded. Did my star craft roll modling cause you to do this? Because I was a LOT more strict and serious aboiut my job then then now. So OBVIOUSLY you don't look up to us. Why claim to.