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Posted 2005-05-20, 06:06 PM in reply to RoboticSilence's post starting "I agree with this. Whenever D3V posts..."
Let's make an Emo Whining Discussion forum! aka "The Grow up, Put up, and Shut up Forum"
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2005-05-20, 06:48 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "Let's make an Emo Whining Discussion..."
Sovereign said:
There is no need for these forums. There ISN'T going to be a swamp of activity just because those systems come out.

All the console forums should be merged into ONE forum called Console Gaming. There is no activity in them anyway.

Titus said:
Its not like he was pointing fingers or anything. Chill children.
d3v said:
(instead of backing out like some of the lame moderators have suggested and deleting them)

i accidentally hit edit instead of reply to titus' post.... and replaced it with mine. I used my browser's back button and replaced it to waht it was, hence the edit thingy under his post
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-05-20, 07:17 PM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?..."
My activity level is better then Chruser's so fuck all you who say deadmin Penguin. Maybe the problem isent the staff, maybe the problem is not enough traffic and the concept of there being a BILLION gaming forums on the internet today.

No forum mod is going to fucking pull us out of a slump and admining people isent going to either. I brought this up before but ill fucking say it again, an admin barely has more powers then a Supreme mod has. Why make more admins when you can just sup mod them? How is making someone ADMIN rather then SUP MOD going to help this forum out? The only person who would be right for an ADMIN spot is someone who installs hacks and edits the back end code, not a fucking moderator with lots of "ideas". WW already does the hacks and backend crap and I think its fine how it is.

"new set of members controlling the webspace here at Zel." Why is it I was jumped on first out of all the admins? Chrusers activity level is below mine but hes Creator so he does what he wants, ok understandable. WW does all the coding and his activity level hovers around the acceptable range so ok thats understandable. What the heck do you expect me to do to make this forum better? Me posting more isent going to do a lot more good. Replacing me with Sov will do what? What will Sov do that I cant besides post, and if posting is the only thing that he does good then why the fuck make him admin, he can stay mod or whatever he is at now, you dont promote someone to admin because they are a good moderator, you promote them to admin because theyd make a good admin and do admin things, not a good mod who does mod things, thats what mods are for.

Blaming zelarons downtrend on me is bullshit to the max. I am posting less now but I still have a better activity level then Chruser and some of the people that everyone knows here. I told chruser or ww I could help financially, but of course they dont need help. Even when my activity level was high and I was an admin, I did about as much "Admining" as I do today because mods catch 99% of everything and WW or Chruser catch the other crap. if someone messages me on aim or something ill jump in but hey, nothing ever happens so I am not called to help. If I was called to help, I would easily.

Anyway, this entire thread is bullshit, There have been like so many threads just like this and I think one of them even used the same subject as this one or really close. I am sick of these threads. Staffing changes will do very little to help zelaron. Threads like these do no good either. Advertising is the only thing that will help, so why dont you just go start threads on ways to advertise that are either free or cheap or go help advertise. Those people who claim they want to help zelaron by being promote on staff or being put on staff are just bullshitting and want some power. If you wanted to help zelaron youd be advertising or paying for advertising to help it.

Which brings me to another point, all of you who 'care' so much, start sending money to chruser's paypal account and telling him to use it for banner ads and such because that is the best way you can help. I remember I sent chruser money to better help zelaron because money is the best way to help.
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Penguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenPenguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-20, 07:27 PM in reply to Penguin's post starting "My activity level is better then..."
You took that whole adminning thing a bit too seriously. Remember how WW was when i got sup mod? lol.

Anyway, you currently arent coding or installing hacks. So why don't we make you sup mod too! You and I can patrol the forums and keep it clean! You basically are just acting like a sup mod with an admin title. ALl mod no coding!


Dont post back all angry and shit either plz. It hurts my feelings.
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-05-20, 07:53 PM in reply to Penguin's post starting "My activity level is better then..."
Penguin said:
My activity level is better then Chruser's so fuck all you who say deadmin Penguin. Maybe the problem isent the staff, maybe the problem is not enough traffic and the concept of there being a BILLION gaming forums on the internet today.

No forum mod is going to fucking pull us out of a slump and admining people isent going to either. I brought this up before but ill fucking say it again, an admin barely has more powers then a Supreme mod has. Why make more admins when you can just sup mod them? How is making someone ADMIN rather then SUP MOD going to help this forum out? The only person who would be right for an ADMIN spot is someone who installs hacks and edits the back end code, not a fucking moderator with lots of "ideas". WW already does the hacks and backend crap and I think its fine how it is.

"new set of members controlling the webspace here at Zel." Why is it I was jumped on first out of all the admins? Chrusers activity level is below mine but hes Creator so he does what he wants, ok understandable. WW does all the coding and his activity level hovers around the acceptable range so ok thats understandable. What the heck do you expect me to do to make this forum better? Me posting more isent going to do a lot more good. Replacing me with Sov will do what? What will Sov do that I cant besides post, and if posting is the only thing that he does good then why the fuck make him admin, he can stay mod or whatever he is at now, you dont promote someone to admin because they are a good moderator, you promote them to admin because theyd make a good admin and do admin things, not a good mod who does mod things, thats what mods are for.

Blaming zelarons downtrend on me is bullshit to the max. I am posting less now but I still have a better activity level then Chruser and some of the people that everyone knows here. I told chruser or ww I could help financially, but of course they dont need help. Even when my activity level was high and I was an admin, I did about as much "Admining" as I do today because mods catch 99% of everything and WW or Chruser catch the other crap. if someone messages me on aim or something ill jump in but hey, nothing ever happens so I am not called to help. If I was called to help, I would easily.

Anyway, this entire thread is bullshit, There have been like so many threads just like this and I think one of them even used the same subject as this one or really close. I am sick of these threads. Staffing changes will do very little to help zelaron. Threads like these do no good either. Advertising is the only thing that will help, so why dont you just go start threads on ways to advertise that are either free or cheap or go help advertise. Those people who claim they want to help zelaron by being promote on staff or being put on staff are just bullshitting and want some power. If you wanted to help zelaron youd be advertising or paying for advertising to help it.

Which brings me to another point, all of you who 'care' so much, start sending money to chruser's paypal account and telling him to use it for banner ads and such because that is the best way you can help. I remember I sent chruser money to better help zelaron because money is the best way to help.
Pretty much you serve no purpose as an admin so there's no reason for you to be one. I'm not saying it is entirely your fault or anything, since there isn't really much for you to do, but I'm saying if you do nothing, even if it isn't your fault, why are you an admin?

I remember a few times that I've asked you to do something and you told me to get someone else to do it.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-05-20, 08:15 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Pretty much you serve no purpose as an..."
This is a reply to both of you.

I was more upset at the idea of making more admins and getting rid of me, then just getting rid of me as admin because like I said there is not much to do as an admin that cannot be done as a supreme mod and if someone replaces me as an admin, what would they be doing better then me Besides posting? We dont need anymore admins.

So why should I stay admin? Seniority, I have been here a long time. If ADMIN stuff needs to be done then I am just a message away. I am here if NEEDED. Heres an example, lets say you have a small town with 3 police officers. The third police officer is never needed because not a lot goes on in a town with a population of less then 50, why replace him if he is not needed? Like I said, I was more upset at the deadmining me and then admining someone else idea because it made little sense.

Now if I am needed then I will help, but im not needed. So how will replacing me all of a sudden make the replacement person more needed? So why keep me as admin? Again, if we do need me in the future, im already here. I have expereince, and I am pretty sure Chruser Trusts me. Thats another thing, I think if you are admin you need to be trusted 100% by the staff because you could really fuck something up with privs, or gain money through unethical practices that being an admin would allow you to do. I am already trusted and have been here so the trust issue dosent come up with keeping me on staff but it would come up with replacing me (Even if my replacement is a long term member, he is not an admin currently and I am so I should be more trusted right?)

Next, if Chruser ever needed money to keep the server up (Or ww) or one of them decided to quit, they can count on me to at least help with that. I am one of the few people who has money that can help. I dont think I would be so inclined to help if I was dumped from staff. I am a good emergency guy to have around, whether we need money, or a server (Since I do own a web hosting company with lots of servers).

Oh and the History. I HAVE done a lot of zelaron, even tho most of it was a long time ago. Oh and I have done a lot for chruser himself, and I even recently redirected all my IOwnJoo Traffic to his image hosting site (Thats pretty big for him). I have sent Chruser money before, I still offer to this day. I have helped him on other things and he is still considered a good friend to me that can come to me for favors anytime he needs to.

So with all that considered, I dont think it would be a very fair/smart thing to take me off staff. I am letting it known that I want to be kept as an admin simply because I think being an admin proves that I am dedicated to the cause and am a very trusted person that is very useful to keep. I have history here, I like it here, I have a lot to offer if needed and I want to stay being at the top of the leaders/trust ladder.

So, will deadmining me, which would probably cause me to feel betrayed in a way, and replacing me with Sov, will the end result be Better for Zelaron in the Future or Worse? It seems like an obvious answer now that I have explained everything.

And if deadmining of me ever became a Serious thing, I would be pretty insulted to get deadmined without having a conversation with Chruser about it beforehand.

Last edited by Penguin; 2005-05-20 at 08:24 PM.
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Penguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenPenguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-20, 08:43 PM in reply to Penguin's post starting "This is a reply to both of you. I..."
I agree with what Penguin is saying. It's not a matter of the staff to increase activity and good content on the forums, it's up to you guys as members to create and participate in relevant threads. I see very few members posting game news and up to date information. There isn't even a eal E3 thread for fuck's sake.

Il papa caca nei legno?
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RoboticSilence is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenRoboticSilence is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-20, 09:22 PM in reply to RoboticSilence's post starting "I agree with what Penguin is saying. ..."
Meh. The creator of this forum doesn't care anymore, the admins don't really care anymore, and the members gripe and complain about each other and the staff.

Chruser, please come back.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-05-20, 09:48 PM in reply to Penguin's post starting "My activity level is better then..."
Penguin, the fact of the matter is that we need a day-to-day policy maker. A big reason that the forums are floundering is because we no longer have strong leadership. There are a very few things that I feel strongly about, but otherwise I am unsure about most things. I suggested deadmining you simply for the reasons you stated, that you weren't doing adminy stuff; I believe that Sovereign is capable of making fair decisions about forums and moderators, and other such things that only an admin is capable of managing, as well as creating new draws, etc. I don't discredit your past contributions, I simply don't see you filling the role of admin right now, which desperately needs filling and has ever since Titus quit. This was brought up two or three months ago; have you really been here to do admin stuff if you missed that thread? If you think you should be an admin, then start being one.
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WetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2005-05-21, 01:25 AM in reply to WetWired's post starting "Penguin, the fact of the matter is that..."
I've tried with my ideas, though being shutdown by shitstained members (who are very immature and bilidgerant: Sov and Grav, which I still don't understand how either of them can be fucking Mods.) Leadership is something you have to earn, people have to want to follow you, this is why I am once again suggesting a staff swap around, Get rid of the shitty staff members like Sov and Grav who post random bullshit on the forums all day and turn back around and say it's not allowed.

Leadership is not going to come from Sov or Grav....you need to look elsewhere.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2005-05-21, 01:37 AM in reply to Grav's post starting "Never ever."
GravitonSurge said:
Never ever.
What again do you moderate? You seem to cause more hell than any other member here, with your bullshit random posts.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2005-05-21, 02:32 AM in reply to WetWired's post starting "Penguin, the fact of the matter is that..."
I dont think managing of the staff is really what zelaron needs right now. If I really felt strongly that that was the thing that was wrong I would try to work on just switching the postions but they seem fine to me now. The problem with Zelaron being in a slump dosent have a lot to do with forums and mods does it? When was the last forum even suggested in the forum suggestion forum. Just tell me what to do and ill do it? Anything sov wants to be done can be posted in the suggestion forum or staff and I can do that or chruser or you, its like a really easy thing. Sov can do that job whether he is an admin or a sup mod, it wont make much of a diff if sov had my spot because hed still do what he normally does.
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Penguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenPenguin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-21, 02:49 AM in reply to Penguin's post starting "I dont think managing of the staff is..."
Whats it matter, anything anyone suggests will never happen. The staff will always over power it and come up with some lame excuse not to implament it. Wow look a page full of stats, wtf do we care who comes to zela using a mac or firefox. Put the RPG back up, or the store hack, something, put the online games back up, do something. Fuck anything will work at this point.

Make a dupe hack or something, whens the last time someone posted in the Chronos forum or what ever you want to call it. If you ask me, there is no saving this site. It has reached its end. No admin, sup mod, w/e will be able to improve on the site.

Alot of old members don't come here and post anymore, like myself. I come here everyonce and awhile and the only forum worth checking is the Forum Discussion forum. Just to see if some sort of update will come. This is the biggest spam box i've ever seen. No one follows rules, not even mods. All well, my rambling is finished.

/me takes a hike
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LiveWire is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenLiveWire is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-21, 09:51 AM in reply to LiveWire's post starting "Whats it matter, anything anyone..."
Funny. When I did follow the rules and tell people to knock it off when they were breaking them, I got called a nazi. Now everyone is saying zel is a spam shithole.

A dupe hack? lol? Have you SEEN how many people play d2 now? Myself + 3 people, and NONE of us can hack for shit. Noone cept admins + certain members can see neo chronos anyway. And I'm pretty sure its been dead since 1.10 hit.
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-05-21, 10:10 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "I've tried with my ideas, though being..."
You know that 50% of your posts consist of yourself whining about either myself or Grav?

And leadership? Wtf am I, your role model? I clean up shit from the forums, that is my ONLY job. I'm not your role modle or anyone elses.

My job:

Clean Threads
Ban idiots
Help in the TTTS forum.

Now I'm not too sure if you remember, but some time ago it was said that staff would be treated like members. They would be the same, no special treatment. Just because I have a nifty little title under my user name doesnt mean I have some obligation to post 100% serious on topic world changing event information. If I'm getting out of hand, or doing something wrong, a moderator or admin will tell me and I will adjust it.

You are neither. YOU are categorized into a group called staff wannabe's. You blindly point at my posts and claim they are breaking the rules when most then time they clearly arent. You keep telling me I'm breaking rules or flaming when I am not. Get it through your head. Calling someone a fucking retard isnt flaming.

Zelaron has THREE admins. Chruser can always be contacted on aim, and wetwired is around a good deal. If ANY of the staff were doign harm to the forum, one of these thre people can be contacted to demod the person. Funny thing is, this has NEVER happened. (at least in the time that I've been here).\

You people are acting as though the whole staff always says no to every single idea as a group. That if one person says no, all say no. Has it ever occured to you guys that we work as a TEAM. All you have to do is convince ONE of us that its a good idea, and chances are MORE then likely that this person can convince the rest to go along.

There are 2 hidden staff only forums where any good ideas and or suggestions are brought up. Just because you don't SEE anything happening doesnt mean there ISNT anything happening.

Now if everyone things rule enforcement has to be stricter, tell me. However, the ONE thing that will NOT be tolerated is people BITCHING about when a staff makes a decision. If you can agree on that, I'll take care of the spam. If you just HATE a decision a staff member makes, (and you have to have a DAMN good reason d3v, it cant be because you didnt like when i closed a spam filled thread or some other random stupid shit you usually end up whining about, like a poll change), PM them and talk to them in a rational non agressive manner and the matter wil be taken care of.

You all are JUST as responsable as any staff member for the content and 'fun status' of this forum. If you want it better. Knock off the whining. Knock off the stupid shit, and all will get better.
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2005-05-21, 11:27 AM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "You know that 50% of your posts consist..."
Sovereign said:
You know that 50% of your posts consist of yourself whining about either myself or Grav?

And leadership? Wtf am I, your role model? I clean up shit from the forums, that is my ONLY job. I'm not your role modle or anyone elses.

My job:

Clean Threads
Ban idiots
Help in the TTTS forum.

Now I'm not too sure if you remember, but some time ago it was said that staff would be treated like members. They would be the same, no special treatment. Just because I have a nifty little title under my user name doesnt mean I have some obligation to post 100% serious on topic world changing event information. If I'm getting out of hand, or doing something wrong, a moderator or admin will tell me and I will adjust it.

You are neither. YOU are categorized into a group called staff wannabe's. You blindly point at my posts and claim they are breaking the rules when most then time they clearly arent. You keep telling me I'm breaking rules or flaming when I am not. Get it through your head. Calling someone a fucking retard isnt flaming.

Zelaron has THREE admins. Chruser can always be contacted on aim, and wetwired is around a good deal. If ANY of the staff were doign harm to the forum, one of these thre people can be contacted to demod the person. Funny thing is, this has NEVER happened. (at least in the time that I've been here).\

You people are acting as though the whole staff always says no to every single idea as a group. That if one person says no, all say no. Has it ever occured to you guys that we work as a TEAM. All you have to do is convince ONE of us that its a good idea, and chances are MORE then likely that this person can convince the rest to go along.

There are 2 hidden staff only forums where any good ideas and or suggestions are brought up. Just because you don't SEE anything happening doesnt mean there ISNT anything happening.

Now if everyone things rule enforcement has to be stricter, tell me. However, the ONE thing that will NOT be tolerated is people BITCHING about when a staff makes a decision. If you can agree on that, I'll take care of the spam. If you just HATE a decision a staff member makes, (and you have to have a DAMN good reason d3v, it cant be because you didnt like when i closed a spam filled thread or some other random stupid shit you usually end up whining about, like a poll change), PM them and talk to them in a rational non agressive manner and the matter wil be taken care of.

You all are JUST as responsable as any staff member for the content and 'fun status' of this forum. If you want it better. Knock off the whining. Knock off the stupid shit, and all will get better.
I'm not even a staff wannabe, I'm a post-staff member that got the boot for calling somebody a nigger, and when rules are broken I bitch about them, and never get the same disciplinary action towards them.

Oh, and that one time you banned be for using profanity, nice shot below the belt.

If the title under your name doesn't mean shit, then please remove it, and turn the staff into a covert-type deal. Most of the time I bitch about a staff's decision is when it is unfair mainly towards me or anybody else in the argument. (Had several posts closed because they were anti-sov and a few that bashed the staff). SO I did end up PMming you and you deleted it, tried contacting you over aim you told me to fuck off blocked me..etc.etc. The Forums have gone to shit with you here Sov, as sup mod you lose, as you have not done anything positive for Zelaron.

As for Grav, he used to be a funny person in my opinion, then one day he got modded (for some thread that nobody knows of...iuno.) And he starts spamming every fucking reply he can with random bullshit that should be deleted according to the rules. I think you guys do need to crack down tighter on the bullshit and crackdown shit mainly besides chat forum, where bullshit is allowed.

I don't see how you can get off saying we are just as responsible for what goes on here, yes you are our role models (supposed to be...forum wise, so what do we look up to? A stupid fat loser hippie who smokes/drinks and lives in his mom's basement). But when one of you two, or any other staff member for that matter goes around bullshitting excessively, the members follow do the same, forums turn to hell, ban all.

Edit: Now that i'm done bitching and starting to think about it, Zel's problems will probably fix themselves in about 2 weeks when alot of southern schools go on Summer break.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]

Last edited by D3V; 2005-05-21 at 11:49 AM.
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2005-05-21, 05:53 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "I'm not even a staff wannabe, I'm a..."
Umm.. everybody gets off for summer break, not just southern schools.

I agree with LiveWire. He has some interesting points; listen to some. Try to spice up the forum. Yes, thank you for the stats, WW. They aren't what I thought they were going to be but at least it's something. Get the uShop hack or whatever it is. Do something.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2005-05-21, 06:26 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Umm.. everybody gets off for summer..."
Well, I've been watching this thread and not saying anything, but this is pretty much the reason these forums went down. Look at the inane babbling that's been going on. First of all, 99% of things suggested are not done, but there are some things that are done, so keep up with the suggestions. I've made quite a few of these type-threads, not much accomplished, but we did get the stats, and I'm not going to complain. At this point, spam is not bad. Unless somebody is going around and just posting multiple times to annoy people, spam is toleratable, especially in the chat/GC forum, in my opinion. I actually think that for quite a while Sov has been doing a pretty good job moderating.

I do have an idea, though. Is there any way that it would be possible to merge two forums? I don't mean something like the D2 hacking section and the D2 bots section, I mean like this site and another site?
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2005-05-21, 06:31 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Well, I've been watching this thread..."
Like what other site?
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Kaneda is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2005-05-21, 07:33 PM in reply to Kaneda's post starting "Like what other site?"
Kaneda said:
Like what other site?
Well, I'm not going to say now because I don't want to inadvertently say something that will offend someone, but I would like to know if that is possible, because that way we can get some more activity. I have a certain forum in mind, but lets see if it is possible first. If not, then there's no point going any further. I'm pretty sure nobody is going to object to the people of that forum. It's full of fairly intelligent people.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be


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by WetWired the Unbound and Chruser
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