Posted 2008-05-07, 04:19 PM
in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "That's basically what I've heard. ..."
Here's an update:
Yesterday, I told my doctor about all of the side-effects I was experiencing, so he told me to stop taking the Ritalin and prescribed me Strattera.
I went and picked up my Strattera, and then came home and read about it. Basically, I think my doctor is just an idiot, or he doesn't know what he's doing. Strattera is usually what they give you if the stimulant ADHD medications don't work. It causes all sorts of fucked up side effects, such as pain in the testicles, trouble gaining/keeping an erection, difficulty orgasming, and leakage before orgasm. Fuck that shit. Not only that, but it takes 4-6 weeks to even start working, assuming you got the right dosage. That's just way too fucking long to wait to see if it works. He could have given me dextroamphetamine or Adderall and we could know in a couple of days if they work.
I called a psychiatrist today and made an appointment for next Tuesday. I even made sure that I picked a psychiatrist that listed ADHD as one of their specialties. Hopefully she'll know what she's doing.
EDIT: Oh, and I'm not taking the Strattera. I'm kinda bummed that I paid for it and now I'm not going to be taking it.I'm taking the Ritalin still, for now, as it does help at least a bit. I upped my dosage to 20mg twice a day instead, and the side effects are still about the same but the intended effects are a bit better. I just took a third dosage for the day so I can do some housework and homework. I understand that upping my own dosage without a doctor's orders is potentially a dumb thing to do, but I'm perfectly healthy and have low blood pressure, so I feel that there are no risks.
Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2008-05-07 at 04:22 PM.