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!King_Amazon! 2008-04-28 05:52 PM

I have it. Felt like sharing. Got diagnosed today.

talentedhamster 2008-04-28 05:54 PM

ADD is over diagnosed. Is it ruining your life? Is it causing a serious problem? Is it serverly causing a disability for you? NOPE!

sorry, feel like bein a bitch today. missed my period =X

D3V 2008-04-28 06:27 PM

I think every single person has ADD, it just depends how you handle it, some can focus in on things more-so, others that just let it take advantage of them fall to its effects.

Willkillforfood 2008-04-28 06:28 PM

Congratulations, Katie.

D3V 2008-04-28 06:29 PM

Haha, what's the baby's name?

Willkillforfood 2008-04-28 06:50 PM

Another overly diagnosed disease. This one even gives parents a nice medical excuse for when they can't keep their kids in line. Bust their ass and tell them to sit down. Case closed.

!King_Amazon! 2008-04-28 07:19 PM

I don't deny that it's overdiagnosed, at all. I, however, believe that I actually do have it. It's had serious effects on my life and I didn't realize until recently that it's actually been ADD all along. I show almost every single symptom.

The irony is you can probably find posts by me arguing that ADD is not only overly diagnosed, but might actually be completely fictional. Either way, I'm 99% sure I've got it, and hopefully medication will help.

!King_Amazon! 2008-04-28 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by talentedhamster
Is it ruining your life? Is it causing a serious problem? Is it serverly causing a disability for you?

Yes, to an extent. I wouldn't necessarily say it's RUINING MY LIFE ZOMG, but it has severely impacted the quality of my life so far and has held me back quite a bit.

Coriander 2008-04-28 09:56 PM

I have ADD as well, I can't hardly focus on anything, got fired from my first two jobs because of it. I would get started on say, dishes or something, and just stop doing it and go do someting completely unrelated. And the other job was at a country club. Easy as hell job, yet got fired for basically the same reason.

Demosthenes 2008-04-28 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
some can focus in on things more-so

I would say that these people don't have ADD.

!King_Amazon! 2008-04-29 12:00 AM

I'm lazy, unorganized, unfocused, I can't concentrate on anything, I'm scatterbrained, I'm constantly losing things, etc. I've even noticed it having pretty severe effects on my ability to write long posts that make sense. My thoughts are so scattered that I have a hard time debating or writing long things of any sort.

Also, I've noticed my problems getting worse as I've gotten older. I think this is because I have a lot more stuff to deal with, since I'm now working full time and going to school 1/2-3/4 time.

Coriander 2008-04-29 12:05 AM

I have always had a hard time in school, since Kindergarten. I was always fidgetting, never doing my homework because I never though to do it when I got home. When I got home I would just run and do something. Middle school was probably where It affected me more, Simply because I never really did anything, Just enough to pass. I'm glad I'm finally graduated, however, college will be a bitch.

!King_Amazon! 2008-04-29 12:22 AM

You sound like you have a bit more hyperactivity than me. I've only got one sign of hyperactivity and that's fidgeting(tapping my feet, fingers, constantly shifting the way I'm sitting) but I think that's mostly from the stress from having so much work and all of that.

Coriander 2008-04-29 12:24 AM

It annoys my dad like crazy when I start shifting in my chair and stuff. I don't have much stress. I just space out alot, Like just a moment ago, I'm trying to learn HTML, and I spaced out for about Twenty minutes and forgot about it.

Willkillforfood 2008-04-29 04:29 AM

So you can't concentrate on anything? I can't concentrate for as long on things I don't find interesting. That's just normal though, imo.

D3V 2008-04-29 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mjordan2nd
I would say that these people don't have ADD.

I've learned for the most part how to efficiently cope with mine, though, I still have ADHD outbursts. But it can be controlled and maintained without medication, I feel.

-Spector- 2008-04-30 01:44 PM

I think I have self-induced ADD.

D3V 2008-04-30 01:47 PM

That could be a possibility.

!King_Amazon! 2008-05-01 07:03 PM

So today was my first day on medication. The doctor prescribed me Ritalin, 10mg twice daily.

I took one at ~9:15, it kicked in about an hour later, and I started crashing at ~1:30-2:00. Took another then, that one lasted maybe 3 hours.

My first impression of the medicine is that, it definitely helps. I don't think it's as good as it could be, and it needs to be tweaked a bit, but it really helped me focus and concentrate on work. I did more work today than I do in a few days without the medication.

There were a few bad side effects, though. First, when it first started kicking in, I got some pretty severe anxiety. From what I've read, this is fairly common, but it was really bad. Secondly, it wasn't the uberfocus that people describe it as. I was still somewhat easily distracted by things around me, and my thoughts were still a bit chaotic and unorganized. It really felt like a caffeine rush. Third, the muscles in the back of my neck and upper back were very tense throughout the day. Fourth, lack of appetite. I could tell that I was hungry, but felt no urge to eat. Fifth, dizziness. Sixth, which I'm experiencing right now, extreme fatigue. Now that my second dose has worn off, I am completely unmotivated to do anything, and feel like I've got no energy at all, and I'm sore.

I'm going to suggest to my doctor that I take one of the extended release medications instead, since that will somewhat prevent the anxiety in the beginning and the "ups and downs" of the day. As for the other things, some of them might go away with time. I suspect that my lack of energy and achiness is because my body isn't used to doing so much work, but I should adjust to that. Lack of hunger is very common and will probably not go away, even with a different medication. The diziness and "tweaking"ness might be helped by trying a different medication.

Overall, my feelings are that the medication definitely helps, and even if I can't get rid of the side effects, I would continue to take it.

Asamin 2008-05-01 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
I'm lazy, unorganized, unfocused, I can't concentrate on anything, I'm scatterbrained, I'm constantly losing things, etc. I've even noticed it having pretty severe effects on my ability to write long posts that make sense. My thoughts are so scattered that I have a hard time debating or writing long things of any sort.

That's scary..... that describes me........ I have ADD too.

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