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Posted 2011-01-27, 07:49 AM in reply to Skurai's post starting "Well, a few thousand years of incest..."
Skurai said: [Goto]
Well, a few thousand years of incest will likely make people look different (different "races" per-say), and the Tower of Babel could have easily separated people by looks. Thus, races were created.

Also, I believe there was a man in the bible who had four children, all a different color, all from the same mother.
!King_Amazon! said: [Goto]
"if you accept these absurd things to be true then no rational argument will persuade you anyway so whatever."
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-01-27, 02:44 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Words"
Do you read Harry Potter and litearlly intrepret it as fact Skurai?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2011-01-27, 02:56 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "Do you read Harry Potter and litearlly..."
No, it takes place in a modern day. Why?
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2011-01-27, 03:26 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "No, it takes place in a modern day. Why?"
Oh, also, if you believe the Bible to be literal fact, you believe the constant Pi=3 rather than 3.14159...



Hell, while we are at it, http://biblebabble.curbjaw.com/errors.htm

Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2011-01-27 at 03:57 PM.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-02, 11:58 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Oh, also, if you believe the Bible to..."
Y u mad, sceptic?
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2011-02-02, 12:04 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "Y u mad, sceptic?"
It's spelled "skeptic"
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-02, 01:47 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "No, it takes place in a modern day. Why?"
Skurai said: [Goto]
No, it takes place in a modern day. Why?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2011-02-02, 02:21 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "illogical!"
D3V said: [Goto]
Buses, trains, postal service, museums, foster care.
U mad?
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2011-02-02, 02:36 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "Buses, trains, postal service, museums,..."
I wish all of my arguments with creationists ended in them giving up the argument and repeating "u mad" over and over again. It would be a lot less frustrating to walk away from the debate.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-02, 03:53 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "I wish all of my arguments with..."
I wish all my arguements ended in the other guy being a faggot about it.
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2011-02-02, 06:42 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "I wish all my arguements ended in the..."
You really suck at trolling.

Oh and:

Skurai said: [Goto]
Y u mad, sceptic?
Skurai said: [Goto]
Buses, trains, postal service, museums, foster care.
U mad?
What being a faggot might look like

Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2011-02-02 at 06:53 PM.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-02, 10:11 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "I've never actually heard of, or..."
D3V said: [Goto]
What genealogy could you find to trace Adam throughout time to I suppose, Jesus that isn't credited to some geocities type-website from a religious fundamentalist author?.
1. God
2. Adam
3. Seth
4. Enosh
5. Cainain
6. Mahalalel
7. Jared
8. Enoch
9. Methuselah
10. Lamech
11. Noah
12. Shem
13. Arphaxad
14. Cainan
15. Shelah
16. Eber
17. Peleg
18. Reu
19. Serug
20. Nahor
21. Terah
22. Abraham
23. Isaac
24. Jacob
25. Judah
26. Pharez
27. Hezron
28. Ram
29. Amminadab
30. Nahshon
31. Salmon
32. Boaz
33. Obed
34. Jesse
35. David
36. Nathan
37. Mattatha
38. Menna
39. Melea
40. Eliakim
41. Jonam
42. Joseph
43. Judah
44. Simeon
45. Levi
46. Matthat
47. Jorim
48. Eliezer
49. Joshua
50. Er
51. Elmadam
52. Cosam
53. Addi
54. Melchi
55. Neri
56. Shealtiel
57. Zerubbabel
58. Rhesa
59. Joanan
60. Joda
61. Josech
62. Semein
63. Mattathias
64. Mahath
65. Naggai
66. Hesli
67. Nahum
68. Amos
69. Mattathias
70. Joseph
71. Jannai
72. Melchi
73. Levi
74. Matthat
75. Heli
76. Mary & Joseph
77. Jesus

EDIT: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...38&version=NIV

Last edited by Wed-G; 2011-02-02 at 10:20 PM.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2011-02-03, 12:08 AM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "1. God 2. Adam 3. Seth 4...."
Wed-G said: [Goto]
1. God
2. Adam
3. Seth
4. Enosh
5. Cainain
6. Mahalalel
7. Jared
8. Enoch
9. Methuselah
10. Lamech
11. Noah
12. Shem
13. Arphaxad
14. Cainan
15. Shelah
16. Eber
17. Peleg
18. Reu
19. Serug
20. Nahor
21. Terah
22. Abraham
23. Isaac
24. Jacob
25. Judah
26. Pharez
27. Hezron
28. Ram
29. Amminadab
30. Nahshon
31. Salmon
32. Boaz
33. Obed
34. Jesse
35. David
36. Nathan
37. Mattatha
38. Menna
39. Melea
40. Eliakim
41. Jonam
42. Joseph
43. Judah
44. Simeon
45. Levi
46. Matthat
47. Jorim
48. Eliezer
49. Joshua
50. Er
51. Elmadam
52. Cosam
53. Addi
54. Melchi
55. Neri
56. Shealtiel
57. Zerubbabel
58. Rhesa
59. Joanan
60. Joda
61. Josech
62. Semein
63. Mattathias
64. Mahath
65. Naggai
66. Hesli
67. Nahum
68. Amos
69. Mattathias
70. Joseph
71. Jannai
72. Melchi
73. Levi
74. Matthat
75. Heli
76. Mary & Joseph
77. Jesus

EDIT: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...38&version=NIV

And even if we assume that the Bible is correct, it is highly contradictory. In fact, here is a list of 456 specific things that the Bible contradicts itself on. The only "facts" used are passages straight from the Bible which you can check for yourself.


Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2011-02-03 at 12:57 AM.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-03, 10:33 AM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "1. God 2. Adam 3. Seth 4...."
D3v said:
that isn't credited to some geocities type-website from a religious fundamentalist author?.
Wedge said:
1. God
2. Adam
3. Seth
4. Enosh
5. Cainain
6. Mahalalel
7. Jared
8. Enoch
9. Methuselah
D3v said:
that isn't credited to some geocities type-website from a religious fundamentalist author?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2011-02-03, 02:42 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "....."
D3V1 said:
that isn't credited to some geocities type-website from a religious fundamentalist author?

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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2011-02-03, 03:36 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?sea..."
That website is using the Bible as its source. The Bible was written by religious fundamentalists. So was that website. My hair is a bird, your argument is invalid.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-03, 05:43 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "That website is using the Bible as its..."
!King_Amazon! said: [Goto]
That website is using the Bible as its source. The Bible was written by religious fundamentalists. So was that website. My hair is a bird, your argument is invalid.
However, I found a source, thatisn't credited to some geocities type-website from a religious fundamentalist author. Point in case, it's from the Bible. Regardless of whether or not it's true, the Bible does give that genealogy.

And your "hair is a bird" argument is equivalent to South Parks "screw you guys, I'm going home." It's real mature, in a serious debate.

I honestly don't care whether I'm right or wrong. You can spend all the time in the world arguing against or for any sort of deity, it doesn't matter. But regardless, it seems that you're impassioned, or "wholly" devout, almost fanatically to the subject of a supreme being that you don't even believe exists. My neighbor could be a serial killer. But I've seen no evidence to support that claim, so I don't go to every single person I meet and fervently preach that he isn't. You could say the same to me, except opposite. But the only reason I even responded to this waste of human thought and reasoning is because you all jumped on Skurai, claiming his conservative opinions weren't his own and then trying to sway his opinions with your own. I'm sick of the pointless debate over God. God's neither provable or disputable. So why can't we just say, I believe, you do not and let it be the last we ever talk about God? Or religion. Or faith in any form. Not even a passing mention of anything remotely related to faith. Oh wait. Because we all have certain freedoms. Like freedom of speech, religion, right to assemble and petition the government.

So, I'm gonna exercise my right to believe what I want. If you don't believe, that's up to you. I'll let your choices and actions define my opinion of you, not whether or not you believe the same as me.

If you're right, great. Congratulations. We die and rot. There is no afterlife, no god. No reward or punishment.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2011-02-03, 07:10 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "However, I found a source, that isn't..."
I cannot be right. I am not taking a side, so by definition I am not correct. I am of the opinion that nobody can know the truth, and I respect your right to believe what you want. My problem is when people cannot simply say "I don't believe it because it is scientific/factual evidence, I believe it because I believe it and its as simple as that." I particularly have a problem with people who attempt to rationalize how what they believe might be true rather than simply admitting that what they believe has no proof but they believe it anyway. This doesn't necessarily apply to you, but you did kinda take a retard approach to the debate and didn't give much else other than your "facts" in your argument, so I could only judge based on those. Here's a better example of what I'm referring to:

WetWired said: [Goto]
Aging is related to telomeres. It's entirely possible that in the distant past they were longer or better preserved. As for the age of the Earth, if God created Adam as a man (rather than an infant), why is it a stretch to assume that God also created the Earth with age? Alternately, the creation story is a poem shown to be full of alternate meaning; perhaps it is better to take it not-so-literally. Even so, I believe that Adam was the first man and the geneology is accurate. You find it hard to believe that a God capable of creating both time and space is capable of sustaining a single man's life for 3 days in a fish?
See, instead of simply saying "I believe it because the Bible says so" he attempted to find "scientific" rationalizations for the belief. I can respect someone who is willing to say "I realize that science and the Bible conflict, and I choose to believe the Bible." I cannot respect someone who is going to try to say that there's no disparity between science and the Bible , when there clearly is.

As I've already stated in this thread, science and the Bible conflict severely. The Bible even conflicts with itself. I can still respect someone if they believe the Bible as long as they are willing to admit the two previous sentences in this paragraph are correct, because they are inarguably correct. Simple as that. I'm not saying "the Bible is wrong," I'm saying "there's no proof that the Bible is right." For all I know the Bible is entirely true (minus the conflicts it has with itself, as those breakdowns cannot be resolved within the boundaries of logic.)

And really, it's nothing personal.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2011-02-04, 09:10 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "http://theframeproblem.files.wordpress.c..."

This is a great website; Hebrews 7:3
"Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God," was Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Wedge said:
There is no afterlife, no god. No reward or punishment.
Why do the religious types use such a harsh guilt system. They make it seem that if you don't go to church and preach their beliefs, then you're a bad person. That's what most non-knowing believe, we feel that people shouldn't be made to feel guilty over having a different opinion. That's at least why I fight so vehemently

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2011-02-05, 11:13 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "http://theframeproblem.files.wordpress.c..."
You fail to see that contradictions in a story are a problem. Contradictions in real life are constant. If I asked, "Who was the president of the United States", there would be 43 contradicting answers - all of them correct.
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness


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