Posted 2011-01-20, 05:57 PM
in reply to Skurai's post starting "I believe that any form of intoxicating..."
I believe that any form of intoxicating drug be illegalized, no matter what level of danger it creates.
You know, alcohol is mentioned plenty in the bible. Getting drunk is a sin, drinking is not. As far as marijuana goes, both sides of the debate spout a lot of BS, but at the end of the day the legalization side is more right; marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol and should be treated the same way.
I believe that any form of death by human hands is murder. I also think that if she'd kept her pants on, she wouldn't need to spend money on EITHER protection OR abortions. Not only is it less trouble, it's less costly. In the end, abortion is not "controlling" your body. It's paying other people to allow you to abuse it without consequence. Y'know. Like a child who doesn't want to get caught picking their nose, so they do it when nobody is looking. Some people say it's all about morals, but really, it's all about if they're a worthless shit or not.
Statistics show that if a woman is going to get an abortion, she's going to do so regardless of the legality. Statistics also show that the chances of dying from an illegal abortion are significantly higher. Especially self-inflicted abortion has staggering risk of hemorage or sepsis. You might say that the murderer is worthy of death, but so is everyone else for various other sins. Where's the compassion? Abortion is gruesome and morally wrong, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal.
Too many blind followers following blind guides in today's "Christianity". Blindly following anyone is foolish. Study the bible yourself, do your own research, pray, and make your own decisions as the Spirit leads.
