The problem is that you're trying to use logic but you're dealing with completely illogical people. They'll just come up with some new irrational way to explain it like:
"The scientists are lying"
"If such a genes exist then people who have them must be descendants of the Sodomites"
"DNA is a lie"
Among other things. They're fucking insane by definition, and you're trying to convince them with logic. Which basically makes you an idiot.
And if you don't think the bible portrays God as being malevolent, you obviously haven't read the Old Testament. The Old Testament God is pretty much a raging asshole. Hell, the guy hates figs (and fags.)
Agreed, i have read the old testament. But according to the religious-fags: "god did all that, for a reason"
So therefore, this logical paradox, disproves all they say.
But of course, they'll just do as you say.
Even the religious fags, admit homosexuality is partly genetic.
in order to be fair, the site below, argues against homosexuality, and then for it, in both terms.
in conclusion, those three sites, should be all the proof i need, to say: "homosexuality is coined with genetics"
not saying it IS genetic, has in, there's a chromosome that says: "yo kid, you will own a penis, and suck it"
But you can't argue or disprove the reality, that genetics play a huge part in homosexuality.
Which brings to this question: Why the fuck, would the perfect "God" who makes zero mistakes. Make homosexuality coined with genetics?
Knowing that human beings cannot modify genetics, why make it- in theory - absolutely impossible for "gays" to stray from their gay ways?
Answer? There is none, your god is bullshit.