Posted 2007-06-27, 07:43 PM
in reply to Thanatos's post "This almost tops the "Stupid things..."
Any consolation, I was coming down a stepish hill(loose gravel, washboarded to hell) riding the brake and I took the corner and lost the back end on the gravel and washboard(car bounced a bit on the washboard), sent the back end swirving to the left a bit, me being stupid at 9:45am and in a bit of a panic, I tried to correct it and braked a bit ahrder adn sent the backend right around the opposite way so I was sliding down the hill almost completely backwards, into a ditch. Through this, I hit a barbed wire fence and went up on my side.
I came out fine(shocked as fuck though, was scary)and the car had passneger door and fender all bent to shit, mirror off and both passenger tired deflated. Was also scratched to shit.
Mind you, its an old 96 Grand Am( was in great shape though) so its not too bad(woulda been fucked was it one of our new Hemi Trucks). Junk yard parts cost nothing to get and put on, the only expensive thing is the paint job that will need to be done.
Happened this morning, car should be ready on monday. I am one lucky fuck, another car could have been coming or I could have went right over on the roof or hit one of the many tree's, etc.

~ KAMAHAME---Oh shit it's happening again.... ~