Posted 2009-06-25, 11:45 AM
in reply to Mantralord's post starting "woah you're really ramping up the..."
woah you're really ramping up the security with that rot13
ROT-13 is to detour people from trying to decode it. For instance. The first thing you have to do with this is use ROT-13 before decoding it in BASE64. Then the layer underneath it is the first time I've encrypted it with a AES. Then after that base64, my own algo, ROT-13, Base64, ROT-13, my own algo, AES, Base64, ROT-13, Base64, Base64, Base64, ROT-13, Base64, my own algo, AES, Base64, ROT-13. Oh, it's fun. This is one of my ways. One of my other ways of encryption is holding a key to unlock the encryption on another server to pull it to decode it. It's all very beautiful, and makes me cry when I create it.

Work List
疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。
I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.
Speed Test
Favorite Anime/Manga
#01 Clannad ~After Story~
#02 Trigun {Maximum}
#03 Koi Kaze
#04 Berserk
#05 Outlaw Star
#06 Slayers
#07 Desert Punk
#08 Spirited Away
#09 Fullmetal Alchemist
#10 Shakugan no Shana
#11 Death Note
#12 FLCL
#13 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
#14 Toradora
#15 Gunslinger Girl
Anime List