Posted 2009-06-25, 01:30 PM
in reply to Goodlookinguy's post starting "ROT-13 is to detour people from trying..."
ROT-13 is to detour people from trying to decode it. For instance. The first thing you have to do with this is use ROT-13 before decoding it in BASE64. Then the layer underneath it is the first time I've encrypted it with a AES. Then after that base64, my own algo, ROT-13, Base64, ROT-13, my own algo, AES, Base64, ROT-13, Base64, Base64, Base64, ROT-13, Base64, my own algo, AES, Base64, ROT-13. Oh, it's fun. This is one of my ways. One of my other ways of encryption is holding a key to unlock the encryption on another server to pull it to decode it. It's all very beautiful, and makes me cry when I create it.
hello Friend this encryption is very useful i would like if you please to email me the code?? i am developing IT network framework for India call center in linux 2007 edition and need security against the hackers and telephone theifs.
thank you Friend,
- Amir Punjabi ( [email protected])