I can't say I've come across it... but then again, I prefer playing in the International Districts with the chat turned off:
- Normal districts with chat slows my computer down, especially if it's a really big city.
- In the International Districts you can find people who actually know what they're doing and get the missions done better
- And anyway, they're all usually French, or Korean, and I'd be damned if I can understand them, let alone know if they say "Godly".
Actually, my dad's ankles burnt too. Other than that, he's so fuckin' tan that he doesn't show signs of burning anymore anyway. He's out in the sun every day.
Usually I go out and feed the fish in the river at break, but I couldn't see them today. So instead I fed the ducklings, and watched a dragonfly buzz around all over the shop. Loads of caterpillars too.