Posted 2004-08-03, 02:07 PM
in reply to Mydogisyourdog's post starting "i believe that the a2 merc has to kill..."
As a reluctant member of PETM, I like NM Act 2 HF and the ACT 2 Hell def Merc. I have used both with a zon and have found them to be handy, especially getting extra defense on my 09 zon build. My Hammerdin uses the NM Act 2 merc and that combo does well also. All of my men, I mean mercs, use a bonehew with AMN x 2, a shaft, and either a veil or eth gaze. I love hearing them say, "I will put that to good use."
I guess either of these would be good but since I don't bot I cannot speak to what a bot would need.
Oh, BTW, Act 1 mercs suck. Never was able to get one to work very well.