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OmniFalcon 2004-08-03 11:04 AM

What is THE Merc for ME?
What would be a good merc for my 86 Blizz Sorc? She needs a good merc, one that preferably kills well. I've collected a few NICE spears/polearms including Bonehew and a few rares for an act 2, and a rare CB I found incase of act 5. Any ideas?

Mydogisyourdog 2004-08-03 11:08 AM

if you bot, i would use a5 Barb and level his ass. they seriously save your ass if you arent "godly". I use medium gear but hell pindle without a problem. Besides... Mercs are all opinions anyway. do what you want

tokill.ace 2004-08-03 11:22 AM

use a nm act 2 merc holy freeze

wilma 2004-08-03 11:31 AM


use a nm act 2 merc holy freeze
i'd say so too

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-03 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by wilma
i'd say so too

hell no, if its pindle act 2 HELL defensive is the best there is !!

btw, if its for pindle holy freeze will do shit

wilma 2004-08-03 11:39 AM

meh, ive never used a merc

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-03 11:45 AM

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????

and what if pindle is immune ?? my merc takes all the hits and owns pindle in 2 hits
as member of PETM i must say i dont like your attitude vs mercs ( :grin: )

wilma 2004-08-03 11:49 AM

yah i know. im just dont feel like leveling the merc and dont feel like "funding" a merc project. Long short is im lazy -_-

OmniFalcon 2004-08-03 12:34 PM

okay. i might just buy a act 5 hell merc, give that a shot for a while. i found arreats once, so i bet i can find it again later. idk, mercs + me = :-/ thx people.

celaron 2004-08-03 12:53 PM

hm, act2 merc auras....
my experience is, that in 90% the aura does NOT start before pindl is dead!

i have a defiance merc, but i took the defensiv one, i did not mind wich aura he would have

barbs?! well, its easier to get a GOOOD act2 merc weapon then a sword!(my opinion)

`Insolence` 2004-08-03 01:17 PM

Act 5 is definitely the best tanker for pindle.

Just throw whatever armor/weapon/helm you can buy on him, and he'll do decent/fine.

Otherwise, be NICE to your merc and mf meph for a while to get him a decent rare sword and some good armor/helms

Sovereign 2004-08-03 01:19 PM


We are watching.

Mydogisyourdog 2004-08-03 01:37 PM

i believe that the a2 merc has to kill an enemy before it even pops its aura....so on pindle runs, it comes down to tanking... a5 is better. here is what my barb uses...

Hmasues Adamament (sorry for the butchered spelling, too lazy right now to care)
shitty Arreats
Flamebellow Balrog Sword.

He has no prob in hell meph... hardly even loses life.

HOWEVER, my merc is only for botting/mfing. Rushing and lvling and whatever could have a better Merc/sorc combo. Just my input

EDIT: Oh and since he said he is a COLD sorc, i dont think he needs more cold spells (a2 Holy freeze or a3 cold).

Princess_Hibed 2004-08-03 02:07 PM

As a reluctant member of PETM, I like NM Act 2 HF and the ACT 2 Hell def Merc. I have used both with a zon and have found them to be handy, especially getting extra defense on my 09 zon build. My Hammerdin uses the NM Act 2 merc and that combo does well also. All of my men, I mean mercs, use a bonehew with AMN x 2, a shaft, and either a veil or eth gaze. I love hearing them say, "I will put that to good use."

I guess either of these would be good but since I don't bot I cannot speak to what a bot would need.

Oh, BTW, Act 1 mercs suck. Never was able to get one to work very well.

Mydogisyourdog 2004-08-03 04:31 PM

in 09 they had a pretty tight bug.... if you equipped them with +5 all skills they would shoot this pretty damn Uber poisen along with whatever element they are. Now they just pure suck.

OmniFalcon 2004-08-03 04:47 PM

i see a lot of sorcs use act1 mercs and act 5 mercs. i have a lot of experience with the act 1 merc since i used to give them wf's in 09 cuz i was a dupe-ist. anyways, my choice is act 5 now, but getting decent stuff might take a bit. i can give him trangs armor, tals helm, but i cant find a decent sword.

kockblocker1 2004-08-03 05:20 PM

I have used Act5 mercs in 1.10 for pindle runs. I had him at lvl92 with my sorc. He worked pretty well for pindle but sucked balls for everything else.

PureRebel 2004-08-03 08:03 PM

ACt 2 Holy freeze merc.. Pwnz pindle.. mine is lvl 81 anc pwnz pindle 3 hits /w jarrenz merc gearz he lent me .. GG!!

ExT 2004-08-03 10:24 PM

Well if you're a caster and you wanna duel, stick with the A1 or A2 mercs with holy freeze if you wanna be cheap. :D

Otherwise A5 for pindle, but A2 Holy freeze are well rounded for duels and MFing. That's what i think.

Pekson 2004-08-03 11:16 PM

Im with EXT act5 merc for pindle coz i tihnk he doesnt get knocked back by charge and is really a great tank and all rounder is act2 holyfreeze.

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