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View Poll Results: Do you Believe?
Yes 51 52.04%
No 32 32.65%
I Dont Know What to Think 15 15.31%
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Posted 2003-02-04, 09:41 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
yea...but if god is just "to be" then the universe could also infinitley be here and just be here "to be"
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2003-02-04, 09:50 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Oh...btw i have a question. Is the bible published anywhere online because i think if i have free time i might like 2 read it. Thanks if ne1 can help...
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2003-02-04, 10:24 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Well, the universe has already proved to have a beginning because its expanding, therefore it must at some time been smaller than it is now and so on until there was a time when it wasnt there, also, the universe cant be forever, or be infiite in size, because that would mean matter would be infinite and that is physically impossible.

damn, i had posted my other one before i read THE OTHER FOUR PAGES, so i look stupid, just read the first page. anyway, id just like to clear some things up:

the bible was not written by ONE person but by many people creating these documents from different times until it went from various scrolls, to the torah/nebiim/keviim, to the bible we know to today, let alone the apocrypha.

also, god doesnt send people to hell, hell is the result of people refusing to go to god, thats why hell is most importantly the eternal separation from god.

also, the bible is believed to be the written word of god. but only one bible is. if you go to a store and pick up a bible, you have not bought the written word of god, you have bought the translation of a translation of a translation and so on of the written word of, the only true written word of god is the ORIGINAL bible, complete bible, written on scrolls from about 2000 years ago. i believe one of the most accurate translations is st jeromes vulgate though, although its written in latin o.0

personally, i dont like the bible. i like tradition, although it would seem much less reliable to most.

and i remember one person commented that most christians are just force fed their beliefs and then just spew it out to others. well, by saying that, you are saying that EVERY single christian is just a robot? i find that very difficult to believe.

ill post more but i have to leave now, cya!
Flame me.

My DeadJournal...you know you want to.

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InvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenInvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-05, 06:59 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
InvaderJon said:
Well, the universe has already proved to have a beginning because its expanding, therefore it must at some time been smaller than it is now and so on until there was a time when it wasnt there, also, the universe cant be forever, or be infiite in size, because that would mean matter would be infinite and that is physically impossible.
I don't really see why existence can't be infinite. If you think about it, if the universe is expanding (I'm not arguing this point), what is outside of it before it expands? Obviously, there's not much, otherwise the universe wouldn't be able to expand over it. But, far far beyond that, assuming that the universe can expand indefinately, there could very likely be other things.

Also, why couldn't the universe simply exist at one constant state from the beginning, as God has? (By the way, I don't know anything about God and space, only God and Earth, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.) It could have simply sat dormant until God decided to act upon it.

mjordan2nd said:
Oh...btw i have a question. Is the bible published anywhere online because i think if i have free time i might like 2 read it. Thanks if ne1 can help...
I don't know of anywhere that the Bible is published online, but I'm sure there are some places. Also, if you have a local dollar store, you can generally find Bibles there about 50% of the time. You can find a big stack of Bibiles at my dollar store about every other time you go. And, of course, they are... let's hear the magic words... Just a Dollar.
D3V said:
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Posted 2003-02-05, 08:29 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
I dont understand what you mean about why cant "existence" be infinite. do you mean, why cant the universe just go on forever? in response to the thing about the universe, the only thing that could be outside it is nothing, pure nothing. Of course, it is possible there could be other universes beyond that nothing, but all i know about that is...it totally destroys my argument!!!!! no, im jk, but seriously, i dont know.

in regards to the universe being here from the beginning, that would be like saying the universe has THE POWER to have been here from the beginning, and since the universe has no such real will, if you will, i dont think thats possible.
Flame me.

My DeadJournal...you know you want to.

"War doesn't determine who is right, it determines who is left."
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InvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenInvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-05, 08:34 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Thinking about all that is beyond our reach so i think everyone should stfu and live while they can.....
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Hades-Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-05, 08:41 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
...i like talking about this stuff, and just because its beyond our reaches doesnt mean we should ignore it
Flame me.

My DeadJournal...you know you want to.

"War doesn't determine who is right, it determines who is left."
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InvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenInvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-05, 09:54 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
I agree with invader...even though we can not grasp these concepts i learn a lot from debating this stuff. Also in response to invader, if the universe can not have the power to be here then what could allow god? I debate myself on this many times, because at times i think that there HAS to be something that started it all, and we could label this god. But also, on the other hand, according to as much as we as humans can understand, something had 2 have created god...so how did it all start. And while we're on this subject, I find it very hard to see how time can be infinite also, although somehow i know it has 2 be. Time can not be stopped....but then how could it all just exist...ehh i dont know.

I know on many of my posts I have come off as an atheist. i am not. I don't believe in god per-say, but if you can offer me enough valid arguments I could change. Honestly I don't know what 2 think...i just have a hard time believing in a superhuman being...that's all.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2003-02-05, 10:46 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
i think the term you are looking for is agnostic.

anyway, the reason you think that god had to be created because there is nothing in our world that wasnt, because everything in our world by nature is finite, it has a beginning. god isnt finite, hes infinite. His nature is to be, therefore, by his nature, he always was. im sorry, but it requires a certain extent of faith to undertsand this.

time is not infinite, there was a time in which there was no time, infact, god himself is outside time. this is because one of gods attributes is immutability, in other words, he cant change, and this means all changes, for example, he cant have emotions. and since time equals change, god cannot be in time. but since humans cannot grasp the concept of being without time, the simplest way i can put this is, god lives in a constant now. and the only reason time cant be stopped, is because we dont know to do it
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My DeadJournal...you know you want to.

"War doesn't determine who is right, it determines who is left."
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InvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenInvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-06, 07:41 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
What do you mean God can't have emotions? If he made us in his image, then he must feel something. He must have a sense of humor, etc. I can't believe that God is emotionless.
"There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid people asking a good question at the wrong time."

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StonedVegeta is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStonedVegeta is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-06, 11:41 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Im sure God has a sense of humour. If he doesn't...well...he should, becuase humour is a big part of life.
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Jamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-06, 10:06 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
well, i dont think a sense of humour counts as an emotion perse, and so im sure he has one.
Flame me.

My DeadJournal...you know you want to.

"War doesn't determine who is right, it determines who is left."
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InvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenInvaderJon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-07, 10:30 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
...In regards to God and space...
space is made up of stars right...well this is my small imput...

"Then God said ' Let there be lighs in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;"
" ' and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth';and it was so.
Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars aslo.
God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth.
and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good."

I thought maybe someone would get something from this...
"The belonging you seek is not behind you, it's ahead."
--Maz Kanata

Last edited by Silverjinx18; 2003-02-07 at 10:33 PM.
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Silverjinx18 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenSilverjinx18 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-08, 02:05 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Well, God created the stars in the sky. I never thought about it, but does the Bible ever say anything about God creating the universe?
D3V said:
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What is it they say about silence being golden?
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Medieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzMedieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz
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Posted 2003-02-08, 11:50 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
well isn't the universe just a bunch of stars????
"The belonging you seek is not behind you, it's ahead."
--Maz Kanata
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Silverjinx18 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenSilverjinx18 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-09, 12:23 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Silverjinx18 said:

I have read this amazing book...IT'S CALLED THE BIBLE...you know the one w/ the ppl who saw Jesus and spoke to God and yeah all that...
I read a book called "Men in Black", it had a bunch of people who saw aliens and spoke to undercover interstellar police.

So, by your logic, aliens are living amongst us(and they may be, who knows...), and there's a top secret organization that keeps them under wraps. And the world was nearly destroyed by a huge ship.

The bible is just a really old sci-fi novel as far as i'm concerned.
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MKR is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenMKR is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-09, 10:44 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Silverjinx18 said:
well isn't the universe just a bunch of stars????
Universe: All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.

I always thought of the Universe of being the space that contained everything... Maybe I have been thinking wrong.
D3V said:
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What is it they say about silence being golden?
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Medieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzMedieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz
Medieval Bob

Posted 2003-02-10, 10:35 AM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
Okay....I can't believe that somone just made a reference to the bible as a sort of MIB type thing. Wow. That's a shocker.
"There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid people asking a good question at the wrong time."

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StonedVegeta is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStonedVegeta is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-10, 08:17 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
StonedVegeta said:
Okay....I can't believe that somone just made a reference to the bible as a sort of MIB type thing. Wow. That's a shocker.
I apllied faulty logic to something that most people wouldn't beleive to prove a point. I didn't make any comparison to the bible being like MIB.
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MKR is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenMKR is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2003-02-10, 08:26 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post "Do you Believe?"
at least MIB will make much more sense than the Bible ever did.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
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