You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: Hello~
Stranger: How are you
You: Verry well.
You: How is thyself
You: well
Stranger: Because my main language isn't English, so I'm not quite sure,

You: thy art talkative this day
You: o
You: lol
You: I'll talk normal then
Stranger: very well...

You: What is your main language?
Stranger: then I can know your meaning better.
You: Wow
Stranger: I'm chinese.
You: It really isn't your main laguage
Stranger: ha ha
You: then I can know your meaning better. = Then I can understand you better
Stranger: But I really really like English.
You: Wow
You: I hate it
You: Example: Phonetic
Stranger: I enjoy chat with foreigners
You: it means a word that is spelled as it sounds
You: the word phonetic
You: is not phonetic
You: it should be spelled
You: fonetic
You: Are you a dog
Stranger: I know your meaning , ha ha
Stranger: ???
You: Sorry
You: got a bit random there
You: Woot there it is!!
You: So
You: what is your main laguage?
You: language
Stranger: Chinese
You: Wow
Stranger: Cantonese
You: c_______ese
You: English
You: I have to go play outside
You: damn it all
Stranger: where r u from?
You: America
You: Where you guys ship all your factory products
Stranger: But here is the night, ha
Stranger: Chinese products are quite well, don't you think?
You: But here is the night, ha = But it is night here, LOLZ!!!
You: They are cheap
You: and generaly break
Stranger: And I'm a BBOY, USA's BBOY are very good.
You: but most of them do
You: ummm
Stranger: products have different levels, ok?
You: I can't even understand that one
You: BBOY?
You: is that boy?
Stranger: B-BOY
Stranger: the guy who have breaking dance
You: o
You: yea
You: I love watching those guys
You: they are amazing
Stranger: yah..
Stranger: so powerful
Stranger: Ronnie is my idol
You: I have never seen them do that head spinny thing that everyone knows
Stranger: may I ask you are u a student?
You: Yes
You: I am in 10th grade
You: You?
Stranger: that's a university's grade?
You: there aren't any
Stranger: I'm an undergraduate.
You: There is school which is 1-12
You: then collage for 4 years
Stranger: I see.
You: and then other stuff
You: but nice
Stranger: Our place too.
You: What is your major?
Stranger: Software engineering.
You: Sweet
You: I am currently having a lot of fun with programing
You: worst language ever
Stranger: That would be a nice job, but it's not quite easy.
You: I am taking a JAVA course over the summer
You: But I have to go
You: my mom is making me go out to play outside
Stranger: I make programs used VB few few years ago.
You: It is 18 degrees here
You: celcuius
You: celcius
Stranger: 18 DEGREES?
You: had to go to a converter for that
You: 18.333
You: lol
You: I love the spring
Stranger: 'cool' ha...
You: but yea
You: I have to leave
Stranger: ok
You: so nice talking to you
You: bye
Stranger: very nice talking to you too
First normal conversation I have ever had there.
<script type="text/javascript">alert("remember when scripting attacks worked?");</script>