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Omegle - Chat with strangers! - Social Entropy++
The site pairs you randomly and anonymously with strangers to chat with. It can be very interesting to see what kind of person you run into. Just steer clear of the /b/tards, for they are in abundance! (Thanks to Grav for linking me!) You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Yragle the pirate has 100 white pearls and 100 black pearls. The white pearls are worthless, the black pearls are priceless. He will let you distribute the pearls between two sacks, labeled "Heads" and "Tails." After you distribute the pearls, you flip a fair coin and choose a pearl at random from the corresponding sack. How should you distribute the pearls between the two sacks to maximize your odds of getting a black pearl? Stranger: i'm polish You: k Stranger: we don't have pearls here You: What a shame. You have disconnected. --- Some random one (that isn't mine): You: How often do you masturbate? Stranger: i am right now Stranger: how often do you finger your vag You: That's wonderful, but it doesn't really answer the question. You: At least 3 times a day. Stranger: how many fingers You: As many as she will allow. Stranger: often enough to where im shooting blanks by noon Stranger: do you have a name for your vagina You: Karen. Stranger: is karen hairless You: She's usually pretty clean and trimmed. You: Not fully hairless, though. Stranger: pics? You: She's not here right now, and I don't have any saved. Stranger: how is your vagina not here are you chopped into two? You: It feels like that sometimes. You: I get really lonely when she's not around. Stranger: are you a guy You: Well, yeah. Stranger: FAGGOT Stranger: ASKING DUDES ABOUT MASTURBATING Stranger: WHAT ARE YOU SOME KIND OF COCK SUCKING FAG Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
funny shit
Hahahah instant classic.
LOL now thats a classic
Christ, that's hilarious.
I have an addiction to this website. I use the AIM bot: OmegleBot.
So...the other night I talked with this chick from the Netherlands for about an hour, was pretty cool.
Just now I got this... Stranger: hi You: Hey Stranger: where r u from? You: Canada, you? Your conversational partner has disconnected. :/ ouch And then... You: Hi Stranger: IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! The fuck.... |
Stranger: HI
You: how goes it? Stranger: fine Stranger: and you? Stranger: from? You: USA Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Lol. That shit is ridiculous.
You: Hello
Stranger: hey You: I am a little manchild in the peninsula of Man You: who art thou? Stranger: lewl Stranger: I am but a walker, walking on the moon You: Oh. They faked walking on the moon, good sir. Stranger: oh no but this is real my dear Stranger: so very real You: As real as a giant iron penis from the depths of the Punjab? Stranger: They may have fooled the world in times that passed, but I hold secrets they do not. You: What other secrets hold you, moonman? Stranger: Secrets are such that they shall not be told, for they are secrets, young one. You: I am not young. I may be a manchild in the peninsula of Man, but I am of age. Stranger: I apologise wise sir. You: I am not wise nor am I intelligent. You: I simply am. Stranger: Interesting statement to say sir. You: Aye, forsooth! Stranger: We really are all, simply, are. You: But many choose to ignore such truths in pursuit of the fancy that they are something much more in a grand, cosmic scale. They are merely ants in a giant hill. Stranger: What might you be up to this fine day/night/time of day you're in? You: I am browsing this intertubing thing on a modern machina! Then I plan to take my friend to yonder apothecary before I get to my apprentice shop. You: And you good sir/madam? You: For I have realized I know not whether you have an innie or an outie. Stranger: I am delaying the time when I shall fall into a deep deep sleep, where I will enter a world that I can not yet possibly imagine. You: Drugs are bad, m'kay. Another: You: Have you ever pondered about God? Stranger: nope You: You do know the end of the world is close at hand? You: Gay marriage, abortion, negroes as head of state in a white, Christian country. Stranger: no its not You: Abhorrent. Stranger: the end is not close Stranger: theres not god Stranger: *no You: Blasphemy! God is everywhere! He's in you, he's in me, he's in everyone. You: And we have our white lord Jesus to thank for our possibility for salvation! You: If you repent now, you will find Salvation before the rapture comes! You have disconnected. |
Touchy subject...
Stranger: hi You: When is the end of the world? Your conversational partner has disconnected. --------------------------------------------- Stranger: Hi You: When is the end of the world? Stranger: tomorrow Your conversational partner has disconnected. --------------------------------------------- Stranger: hey You: When is the end of the world? Stranger: 2078 You: ! You: How do you know Stranger: I was told You: By whom?! Stranger: can't say You: That's fair enough You: What happens in 2012 then? Stranger: a party You: Oh sweet You: where? Stranger: all over the world Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: Have you ever seen a donkey show? Stranger: no You: Want to? Only $50 American. You: Biiiiig and hung burro and a nice Mexican girl with big boobs. Stranger: i'm in australia not US You: Oh. We fly out for $2500 AUS. Then $60 AUS for the show. You have disconnected. \\\\\\\ Stranger: asl? You: 15/f/houston, tx You: u Stranger: 20,m,brazil You: u str8 Stranger: what do you like to do? You: idk You: lay in the sun You: shop Stranger: are you virgen? You: lol y Stranger: why? You: yeh, y? Stranger: why are u virgen? You: i didnt say i was Stranger: do you dont like se? You: i do You: just not when its with my dad Stranger: do you like to sex? You: yes Stranger: cool You: like i said tho, just not when its my dad You: hes rough You: and calls me names Stranger: what makes you successful? You: idk Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi Stranger: Hello~ Stranger: How are you You: Verry well. You: How is thyself You: well Stranger: Because my main language isn't English, so I'm not quite sure,:) You: thy art talkative this day You: o You: lol You: I'll talk normal then Stranger: very well...^_^ You: What is your main language? Stranger: then I can know your meaning better. You: Wow Stranger: I'm chinese. You: It really isn't your main laguage Stranger: ha ha You: then I can know your meaning better. = Then I can understand you better Stranger: But I really really like English. You: Wow You: I hate it You: Example: Phonetic Stranger: I enjoy chat with foreigners You: it means a word that is spelled as it sounds You: the word phonetic You: is not phonetic You: it should be spelled You: fonetic You: Are you a dog Stranger: I know your meaning , ha ha Stranger: ??? You: Sorry You: got a bit random there You: Woot there it is!! You: So You: what is your main laguage? You: language Stranger: Chinese You: Wow Stranger: Cantonese You: c_______ese Stranger: and...you? You: English You: I have to go play outside You: damn it all Stranger: where r u from? You: America You: Where you guys ship all your factory products Stranger: But here is the night, ha Stranger: Chinese products are quite well, don't you think? You: But here is the night, ha = But it is night here, LOLZ!!! You: They are cheap You: and generaly break Stranger: And I'm a BBOY, USA's BBOY are very good. You: but most of them do You: ummm Stranger: products have different levels, ok? You: I can't even understand that one You: BBOY? You: is that boy? Stranger: B-BOY Stranger: the guy who have breaking dance You: o You: yea You: I love watching those guys You: they are amazing Stranger: yah.. Stranger: so powerful Stranger: Ronnie is my idol You: I have never seen them do that head spinny thing that everyone knows Stranger: may I ask you are u a student? You: Yes You: I am in 10th grade You: You? Stranger: that's a university's grade? You: there aren't any Stranger: I'm an undergraduate. You: There is school which is 1-12 You: then collage for 4 years Stranger: I see. You: and then other stuff You: but nice Stranger: Our place too. You: What is your major? Stranger: Software engineering. You: Sweet You: I am currently having a lot of fun with programing You: VB.net You: worst language ever Stranger: That would be a nice job, but it's not quite easy. You: I am taking a JAVA course over the summer You: But I have to go You: my mom is making me go out to play outside Stranger: I make programs used VB few few years ago. You: It is 18 degrees here You: celcuius You: celcius Stranger: 18 DEGREES? You: had to go to a converter for that You: 18.333 You: lol You: I love the spring Stranger: 'cool' ha... You: but yea You: I have to leave Stranger: ok You: so nice talking to you You: bye Stranger: very nice talking to you too First normal conversation I have ever had there. |
I had an actual interesting conversation that was NOT in my language.
You: Hey, what's up? Stranger: nihao You: nin hao ma? Stranger: wohao Stranger: 哈哈 Stranger: 你多大了 You: wo shi hao hao You: pinyin for me :( Stranger: ? You: wo shi meiguoren Stranger: zhen de ma? You have disconnected. |
Stranger: hi
You: hi Stranger: whr from? You: Canada.. Stranger: from korea You: Do you like Diablo Stranger: nope You: What. Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hey You: hi Stranger: asl ? You: 15f/michigan You: u?? Your conversational partner has disconnected. LOL |
1 - Misery.Stranger: hi You: Hello; consider the state of the World. Stranger: asl? You: Now, what can you bring to reality? Your conversational partner has disconnected. 2 - Misery.Stranger: hi You: Hello, are you particularly interested in making the world a better place? Your conversational partner has disconnected. 3 - Misery.Stranger: hi :) asL? You: Grant immediate trust. Your conversational partner has disconnected. 4 - Hope.You: If you go out and give someone a little of your time, you are helping them. Do you relate? Stranger: yes Stranger: ? You: From personal experience, getting out and helping someone else can be seen as building communities. Stranger: yes You: There does not seem to be much concern for communities outside of private interests... Stranger: ... You: The unemployment rate may be up, but if one person devoted a little time to reach out to another human being, certainly, the world would be a better place... Stranger: Yes. Stranger: I do. Stranger: :) You: How can one build bridges and connect with others? Communicating your needs usually helps because anticipating needs is limited in observable phenomena. You: What are some of your concerns? Stranger: Our civilization collapsing. From a result of our economy, even that could be a long way ahead. Stranger: America collapsing. Where nearly everybody is unemployed, and the crime rate goes up. Stranger: America would be an unsafe place for us and our future. You: It seems to be treasonous to consider changing the economy. You: But what can one do besides smile and shake the hands of their neighbors? You: Striving to be better people is too much to ask.. Stranger: It is? Stranger: Well yes. For most people, you are right. You: For some.. Stranger: Yes. Stranger: So may I ask... what is this conversation all about? You: It is only an attempt to see the upside with someone.. Stranger: Do you want me as an individual to contribute to my area and become....... Stranger: Okay. Stranger: I accept that :) Stranger: How can I help? You: Someone you may know that has some need they may not be able to accomplish on their own can use the help of other members in their community. Stranger: :) You: Re-building a fence, installing tiles, painting a house Stranger: Oh, okay. You: There are such organizations that charge money for these jobs, but where money isn't an intermediary, helping only makes a community stronger! You: It's a great feeling to make new friends. Thank you for speculating these issues... Stranger: No problem Stranger: And I apologize from lack of knowledge...I'm only 14. You: Thales of the pre-socratic era lacked knowledge, but he tried to think things out for himself. Though, it may not be the correct answer, sure enough Anaximander came around and philosophized what Thales could not. Stranger: :) You: (Albeit, the stars are not rings of fire with gas bursting out of the rims.) Stranger: Haha You: Perhaps it's time to eat! Goodbye, traveller... Stranger: Goodbye :) Stranger: This actually, made my day :) Stranger: Thanks. |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 春哥纯爷们 You: 爷 Stranger: haha You: I surmise that was not too sensible You: oh well Stranger: not chinese? You: no Your conversational partner has disconnected. --- You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hello You: So what inanimate object do you experience the most sexual attraction toward? Stranger: from/ You: Sweden Stranger: HAhahah Stranger: oh my god You: it's a serious question! Stranger: okay!!! Stranger: object... oh i don't know Stranger: HAhaha really.. You: oh well --- You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Say hi! Stranger: hi! Stranger: where do you live? You: Sweden. You? Stranger: here is shanghai You: ah, the place with a constant air humidity of 100%! You: I RECALL THAT VERY WELL! Your conversational partner has disconnected. --- You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: You are humanity's last hope. GO! Stranger: hi Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
Actually, someone from there gave me the link here.
These two were my favorite, so far. Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hii Stranger: =) You: My third testicle is turning green. Stranger: ohh baby You: It's kind of pretty Stranger: thats hot You: Oh, yeah Stranger: yepp Stranger: mhmmm Stranger: where you from? You: Canada Your conversational partner has disconnected. Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: 8====D You: whoa You: is it a giraffe? Your conversational partner has disconnected. There was a decent one about Presidents and their ninja like reflexes, but it wasn't kept. |
Welcome to Zelaron, Mutant Couch! You will probably never find out why you were actually brought here, just like the rest of us... :(
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