Posted 2007-11-08, 01:36 PM
in reply to Jessifer's post starting "Morally, no, I don't believe there are..."
Like Jessifer said, it all depends on your viewpoint of what is moral and unmoral.
But in some cases, it is very justified. This is a true story: A postal worker had been fed up with his job, life, etc and decided to take it out on people that were of a different race, color than him. He went on a killing spree in his truck shooting and killing people that were minding their own business, ie: a Korean grocery store clerk, a couple of black guys walking down the road, etc etc.
This guy definitely deserved the death penalty. If you think you're that high and mighty that you can make the ultimate decision and take somebody's life, really the ONLY thing a person has, you deserve the same upon you. An eye for an eye.