Posted 2002-09-18, 08:42 AM
People don't seem to know that lag and FPS is different, if they have a 10 Frame per second game running they will blame lag for the loss of FPS... im going to make this clear,
FPS is FRAMES PER SECOND, it is howmany frames is being processed onto your screen per seconds, every frame is a picture and you can recieve up to 1 frame per second to alot of frames per second (more FPS is better) Faster Video cards, processors usually influence FPS the most. NOT internet connections
LAG is the ammount of time it takes to bring information from computer to computer, when you`'re playing a game, it takes time for your computer to recieve the information from the other computer such as the other person's updated position in a game, your computer still thinks he is standing in a corner, while his computer says he is moving around, that creates the ghost effect, where it looks as if he isnt moving but a second later he re-appears behind you or so and moving quite fast, that is because the information from his computer hasnt reached your computer yet so your computer hasnt found out that he is really behind you until it is too late.
LAG and FPS is a different thing! dont complain because of lag when you're playing asingle player game because people will be confused =O and think you're crazy or playing a multiplayer game or something.

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