...wtf...i swear i saw u had only like 400 posts yesterday. and now u have like 700 wtf is up with that. and YOU'RE tellin him not to double post, pathetic...
ya king_amazon remember what happened last time u tryed to be a mod and tell me what to do so stop or it will happen again i can't show u over 400 double posts i am sure
Originally posted by nosebleed ya king_amazon remember what happened last time u tryed to be a mod and tell me what to do so stop or it will happen again i can't show u over 400 double posts i am sure
LOL omg... closed, problem is resolved, this is getting out of topic, take it to the flame forums!
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!...... My Personal Website! www.dimensionforums.com