How long does FF7 take(on average) to beat the game.... Im allready on disk two (just beat Jenova-Alive with ease) and I have only played 20 hrs.... so how long does the whole game take? Is cd-3 big?
It depends on how far you want to go in the game. If you just want to go through the story and not really go beyond the necessary path, then it's probably between 30 and 40 hours. If you want to get every last item, Limit Break, Materia, armor piece and weapon it takes substantially longer. Maybe between 50 and 70 hours. Possibly longer.
Hmmm... Taco, I really don't think this thread is any useful to any of us... so next time, please don't make these kind of threads... cuz this is kinda common sense, it could take FOREVER to beat it cuz u might just lvl and walk around and get items and crap, you might not even choose to beat the game until you are like DEAD lol, so ya...
Oh, okay. Well, if you're just going straight through without doing any of the sidequests (Wutai, Chocobo Raising, killing all the Weapons, etc.) then I'd say you're looking at maybe 40 hours. If you want to get ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in the game, then you're looking at possibly more than 70 hours.
I would want to get EVERYTHING in the game because...
#1 Thats what I always do in all the FF games... I get all the things that I could get... but if its too hard for me to do the side quest... well then I just quit for awhile and let a friend do it or just come back to it later on...
hmm I only have one reason? lol, gotta think abit more.
Well, after getting EVERY item (which is impossible to figure on your own without having some kind of guide), beating both the weapons, lvling everyone to 99's, finding all the break limits, participating in most of the mini games to a good extent... I played for over 90 hours, but didn't cross the 100 hour mark...
No, hes just fooling with you. But there are some that don't have a name in the japanese version, they were removed yet left in the game code. Note that only the original jap version and not the international/USA versions didn't have them, seeing as via gameshark you could access the hidden materias. However one of the disabled materia's in the jap version became underwater materia.
right... ANYHOW, I really gotta finish up the game, but the thing is, I'm too lazy to play any other RPG right now. After I beat Kingdom Hearts, I guess I could play abit of those and beat it before the end of the year.