wtf is that? it looks kool, what did u make it in? u are using one of those pens that are like mouses?
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!...... My Personal Website!
ya its liek a board and a pen, and on the board their is sensors and its liek drawing on paper only it goes on the computer... is illistrator 10 a good prog? looks like it is good...
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!...... My Personal Website!