I don't know what's happened to Ozzfest over the last few years! It's gone totally downhill, with a bunch of crappy bands, I guess Sharon is picking them or something! I went to '97 in San Antonio, and it kicked ass! I've had no desire to go since then!
The only saving grace about this year's Ozzfest was that I was against the rail for Down and Mushroomhead. I was at the front the whole fucking day, and although there actually were a few (FEW being the key word) surprisingly good new bands, it still sucked being completely dehydrated and damn near deaf by the end of the 2nd stage bill.
Mushroom head is cool. Otep is too pissed off. Being totally pissed at everything is a turn off :O( I only payed $78.85 for my ticket. 8th row, on the aisle. High 5 with the bass player for System of a Down. Can't talk, can't move my neck, but DAMN it was great. Rob Zombie was the best. I like to watch Ozzy try to jump. LoL :O)