Posted 2013-02-12, 01:31 PM
in reply to kaos's post starting "Really? I'm in the beginning of episode..."
I didn't get through episode 2, so I can't say whether or not it gets better or worse. I suppose I went into it with high expectations. People told me that the decisions you make are the most important part of the game, but I never really felt like the decisions I was making had any significant effects. Beyond that, it's a simple (and very linear) puzzle solving game where there's a single solution. It's less complicated than some of the ancient King's Quest games, as far as that goes. To be honest, part of the reason I didn't like the game was because I felt like it was going to break from the "illusion" of choice that a lot of games have (where you are basically choosing between A and B, and any creative approach outside of A and B is not allowed or available).
To be honest, if they had just added a few more solutions to some of the problems, I probably would have enjoyed the game a lot more. For an example, the first scene in the game where you have to get the gun and the shell and take out officer walker after waking up in the squad car. There is only one way to complete this scene, and finding the ONE solution which is very obvious doesn't feel very rewarding. When I was playing, my first thought was to use the gun as a mace-type weapon (it causes significantly less noise than firing a gun). Unfortunately, what I wanted to do or thought would be smart to do was irrelevant, because there was only one way that scene can play out. This is true for pretty much every major part of the story. The decisions you make seem to have some effect on minor parts of the story (mostly, who will be accompanying you) but ultimately you're a slave to the narrative written by someone else.
Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2013-02-12 at 02:56 PM.