Yup! That's a video of the 15,000+ attendants at a Fullerton Tax Demonstration.
I'll try and fill in as much information as possible, and explain things as best I can from memory, as this was a couple weeks in planning.
Okay, SO! This bill comes through the State government office and is passed around that states something along the lines of, "We must raise taxes to keep California from going bankrupt! It's the only thing we can do! Here is a list of taxes that we have organized..." So, the Republican party members, which can be seen
here, had apparently signed pledges, upon entering office, that states that they would vote against new taxes that were obviously a waste of state funds or something. All of them laid down, bent over, and took the rape. As an example of what you will be paying, had you been living in California,
here is a tax calculator breaking down what you owe to the state now. And each Republican official blamed it on the other, and how "they had to" and what not.
The reason for the "Heads On A Stick" campaign was because all the people in office aren't doing jack shit to help the economy, they are just lining their pockets. They give excuses about how they are cutting back, yet one official (the one with his head in the cubicle) spent 2 MILLION dollars to "update" the furniture in his office. Did he spend it on a Californian company? No, he spent the money in Iowa... The one with his head in a plunger is quite a funny one. Rumor has it, from someone who used to work for him, that when that official would "drop a deuce" and it clogged the toilet, he made his assistants plunge it. I don't exactly recall why they put Arnold on a sword, other than maybe to have him higher than the rest of the Republicans.
Also, State Offices recieved freedom from having to cut their work force to meet funding limits... instead, we have to pay for their EXPECTED growth over the next 2-4 years. The teachers union in California is the highest paid in the nation! The average Californian Teacher makes $50,000 a year, while LAUSD teachers make $64,000 per year. Yet, somehow, the LAUSD dropout rate is 50%! President Obama is believed to be offering a "performance" based pay scale, and obviously LAUSD officials flipped their lids and were against it. The UTLA, Union for Teachers of Los Angeles or something, also shot down the idea that schools that had better success be rewarded! Because God forbid we reward a system that works!
And one more thing that was on today, is the expected jobs to be created in the construction industry in California, due to the "stimulus plan" a majority is expected to go to illegal immigrants! And when the Contractors Union leaders were told to use a system called "E-Verify" to verify that someone's SSN was in fact their own, they declined and said they would hire the workers their own way. That supposedly the system would errornously label legal citizens as illegals, thus resulting in lack of employment! There suggestion? Make all illegal citizens, legal! Just like that... BAM! You're all legal! Yeah right... I don't know 'bout y'all, but if a job in America becomes available, shouldn't an American be entitled to the position before a leech on the system is? I think so.
If you are so intrigued to read more on the Tax Revolt, The idiots California has in office, or other such news stories, like Octo-mom, you can check it at
John and Ken Show