Posted 2009-03-03, 10:20 PM
in reply to Wallow's post "Computer related problem"
I was browsing today on a common gaming site I visit that utilizes the website invisionfree as the base for the forums. They have a chatbox on the top, but today, not like other days, it did not work. Instead (because I have a firefox) I received a pop up prompting me to download the application/ octet-stream from: http://www4.cbox.ws
Obviously without it, the chatbox doesn't work. But I don't know how to run it, as the browser asks you which program to use (I don't know why it suddenly did this), and I have no idea what to tell it to use. I was previously using AdBlock Plus to block some annoying music if that helps.
appication/octet-stream is a generic header for any file type I believe. It's basically just a force you to download thing. I didn't bother visiting the site. All I can say is good luck with trying to figure out the problem.

Work List
疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。
I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.
Speed Test
Favorite Anime/Manga
#01 Clannad ~After Story~
#02 Trigun {Maximum}
#03 Koi Kaze
#04 Berserk
#05 Outlaw Star
#06 Slayers
#07 Desert Punk
#08 Spirited Away
#09 Fullmetal Alchemist
#10 Shakugan no Shana
#11 Death Note
#12 FLCL
#13 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
#14 Toradora
#15 Gunslinger Girl
Anime List