As mentioned in the
Zelaron Portal thread, I have created a custom gallery hack for the portal that displays images that have been added to specific
social groups.
The main purpose behind this gallery hack is to allow us to add RPGMaker resources (such as charsets, tilesets and portraits) to the portal, which will attract many RPGMaker users to Zelaron.
You can look at one of the sample gallery pages here:
Now, I have not used RPGMaker in a long time, and will require your help to make this happen. Two separate tasks must be accomplished:
1: Relevant social groups must be created.
Currently, we are required to create one social group for every type of RPGMaker resource to be shown. Thus, we will need social groups entitled "RPGMaker 2000 Charsets", "RPGMaker 2000 Tilesets", "RPGMaker VX Charsets" and so on.
Once vBulletin social groups will support image prefixes, we will be able to merge the relevant social groups into "Charsets", "Tilesets", "Portraits" et cetera, and specify the RPGMaker version as an image prefix. This will allow us to cut the number of required social groups from something in the order of twenty to five or six.
For now, we are stuck with having to create quite a few different social groups to make this happen, so the question is:
Which different social groups (and thus, galleries) do we need?
2: Images and resources will have to be added to the different galleries.
Once the relevant social groups have been created, RPGMaker content for the Zelaron portal must be added to them. As this content will appear on the portal, it is imperative that not everyone and their uncle will be able to add new images, or the galleries will most certainly end up displaying a large number of... Well, you can probably figure that one out.
we require trustworthy Zelaron members to manage the contents of the RPGMaker galleries.
If you want to become a RPGMaker Content Manager and help us make the portal useful and awesome, then simply state so in this thread. Aside from the inherent glory of such a position, you will also be able to upload images larger than 600x600 pixels for your own user galleries.
Let's do this!
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