What does my age have to do with it? Just the mere fact that this is your first election, and this will be my third has a lot to do with it. How is that laughable? That only thing laughable here is how you two were sucked in by democratic bullshit because you're too naive to formulate thoughts on your own.
Simply put, you don't know shit about the economy. How could you? You don't know the hardships personally, you only "hear" about it in the news. How have you been personally affected?
Also, you don't know shit about the housing market. How many properties do you own? And no, renting doesn't count for shit, because the housing market has not a fucking thing to do with renting. Again, another area where you spew out "facts" from the news and pass them as your opinion. Please inform me of a single issue you take offense to in this election and explain how it has personally affected you. Because if you can't, then how the fuck can you formulate an effective opinion in one way or the other?
That is exactly what my "seniority bullshit card" is all about. I'm actually dealing with the issues you talk about, which is why your opinion on them is laughable in my eyes.
I'm not going to pretend I am an economy major. But I will say that just looking around at the cost of everything, life sucks right now. Not just for me, but my parents, relatives, friends and distant family. Not even just my family but every family, everyone that isn't sitting financially set for the rest of their life is going through some sort of hardship because of the economy, and it's frustrating.
How can you call me naieve? Just more personal attacks that don't amount to anything. The nation as a whole average income per family has gone down over 2,000 per family. That's horrendous, the national income average should never, ever go down.
How does my education even mean anything about knowing how the systems work? You once again are talking down. How many properties do
you own, Buddy? You talk like if somebody doesn't actually have ever personally gone through something, then they don't know anything about it. So let's turn the tables. Have you ever served in the military? Doubtful? So then you don't know jack-shit about the war, you don't know jack-shit about foreign affairs, you don't know jack-shit about alliances, pacts, treaties.
What else do you harp on. Let's see, abortion. Have you ever been pregnant? I highly doubt it even though you can come off as a
vag sometimes. Have you ever given birth? Gone into labor? Carried a FETUS around for 9 months? Didn't think so; so why should you, or anybody else determine what is right and wrong for a mother to do? That's right
you don't have that authority, nobody does besides that individual mother. I don't know if you are just over-tired from working all of your bust-ass hours, or if you really are just this ignorant.
Basically from the entire sum of your argument you are saying that education is worthless. The only way to know anything that you are talking about is to experience it first hand, in which I'd say about 99% of people would disagree with you.