Posted 2008-08-27, 08:21 AM
in reply to Kazilla's post starting "i typically go for anything i can hear..."
My first sound reductor earphones were also Skullcandy, as they are a very good brand. I got Smoking earbuds from my Dad who disliked using earphones, and I used them for a while. Then I had a problem, the plug type was like a hook instead of being just straight down, so the wire started to fray really easily at the beginning of the plug. This wire continued to fray until I could only hear through 1 ear unless I twisted the plug in all different directions until I could find a "signal." This went on for at least a month in a half until the plug finally caused no sound in both ears no matter how I twisted it. So I chucked those earphones into the trash and bought a new pair off of the Skullcandy web. They worked fine for a longer time than the old ones, but I eventually had the same problem as the Skullcandy company had not fixed the type of plug it had. What annoyed me is that my friend bought the same earphones a little later and got the new straight plug with the smoking buds. So here I was until the present twisting the plug in a manner of ways to get sound in both ears, and I finally I got an excuse to buy new headphones. I forgot my smoking buds on the plane to my vacation. So when I got home I finally bought a new pair which I mentioned before were Skullcandy Titan Earphones. The difference between the two is one, Titan earphones were more expensive, and two, Titan has more sound reduction but less bass while smoking buds had the opposite.
Last edited by Wallow; 2008-08-27 at 08:23 AM.