Posted 2008-07-09, 11:35 AM
in reply to Vault Dweller's post starting "I won't say the ban was unjustified. ..."
I won't say the ban was unjustified. To use his own terminology, D3v can be a royal douchcanoe at times.
Nevertheless, on the subject of his being immature, I've found a number of the new members to be much less mature than D3v (obviously because they are younger than he) to the point where this forum is beginning to annoy me.
I miss the random news-related threads he perpetually started, which generally prompted long discussions.
Fuck it. Bring him back.
What I've been saying for at least a month now. These forums are annoying, dude to the influx of young, immature members. It's actually stopping me from posting in threads because I don't want to be involved in childish spam.
Bottom line is this: He was a contributing member that was an asshole at times. But who isn't, honestly? We're all assholes at times, that's what makes this forum so great, IMO. Drama@Zelaron is hilarious.