I'm more of a vampire, serial killers always get caught and go on trial vampires are killed. I'd rather die than rot in jail.
I have a vision, a very poor vision, but one none-the-less I'm working on it. It's called a thousand lost voices, it's mural that I made on the interstate highway. (you may call it vandalization but I call it art) I mostly like to portray activistic and anarchist images in my art, I guess you could call it rebellion.
My role model is Elizabeth Bathory soley for the mental factors:
1. She was self reliant, didn't need a man to make her happy.
2. She was Vain
3. She was cold blooded, not hurt easily, and very strong willed.
4. She was so powerfull, power is such a turn on for me. D:
As I recall she killed way more than 80, my last term paper on her I came up with about 800+ names (some unknown), found either around her mansion, or in it.
That's fine it doesn't bother me to be stalked, I've been stalked before.
I'll post as much as I find physically possible.
Afraid I don't watch tv or go to the movies, to time consuming and I tend to fidget a lot. The last series I saw was Saw 1-4 with my father, though it started to get bland in the fourth episode. Gore is nice and all but I prefer the movies like "Horton hears a who" or the upcoming Disney movie "Wall-e" I'm a kid at heart.
and lol?