Alright let's see...
No screen-shots as of yet, but there is a new feature (to me) that when you die the game like to taunt you and asks if you'd like to take a screen shot

which is somewhat funny in my opinion (thinking I want to keep memory of getting owned). Anyways, the gameplay is
JUST AS ADDICTING as the previous Team Fortress 2, except the graphics are much nicer, and the gameplay seems to be much more balanced than it was before.
The offensive side of the game is awesome in every aspect, you've got the Scout (speed-hack basically, you run around and
Rambo everything). And then you have the soldier that has these sticky grenade launcher, as well as a shotgun. And of COURSE the Pyro, probably my favorite player in the game, The flame-thrower is definately a powerful weapon and basically you can take out almost any player with it if you are skilled enough, as well as a shotgun you can keep handy for longer-range (funny as that sounds) shootouts.
The "Support" team is still the same from what I can tell.
I'll have more as I get to play the game more. They've updated alot of things on steam since the last time I was on there, much smoother game-play. I definately recommend it.