To get you to spend money.... They probably have a contract with the phone companies, trying to increase text messaging nationwide. Conspiring bastards!
You know that like 1 out of 4 people are going to try it at least once just to see what the fuck happens... Clever.....
I was tempted to try it but there's no way it can be real. Gullible people, on the other hand, are probably going nuts over this. This is false advertising though, isn't that illegal?
lol even you guys? in PR that's happening alot now, i go like
wtf? you expect me to believe that for txting ima get money? ya right, who you trying to fool fan boy....
I saw one where you were supposed to text the completed 'mystery word'. It was obviously Holiday, but these are those things that are too good to be true. Always seem to have attractive women advertising them, too.
How exactly is any of this "too good to be true"? If the advertisement said "Text the correct answer to this stupidly easy question for $2, and automatically get $15,000", it would be. Too bad it doesn't. What part of probability is so difficult to understand?
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