Hai, everyone. I'm kaos. I was searching google for "amezing pocket-sized orangutans that can be taught to feed your sexual desires with brain-washing experiments and lots of Tai-Chi exercises" when I came across this forum...and, coincidently, was logged on already .
So...anyone care to gimme an update on what's happened since I've been gone? ?
Pretty much this faggot came to the forums and lied about his friend dying and all kinds of other emo shit, then when everyone called him out on his lies he made a thread saying he was going to leave, but he just made a new account and actually started flaming himself and shit. Fun read IMO.
Pretty much this faggot came to the forums and lied about his friend dying and all kinds of other emo shit, then when everyone called him out on his lies he made a thread saying he was going to leave, but he just made a new account and actually started flaming himself and shit. Fun read IMO.
Lol, another thread to put on the Zel Hall of Fame...
It's the short term memory loss that's affecting you kaos. You forget all about zel for like 3 months, remember that it's still here, post a little bit, then forget for another 3 months. It's a vicious cycle.
that was classic......oh man so much fucke dup shit has happened here, quispys penis, kagom's homosexual furry sex life, kaneda caught, kaneda is the father, etc
You did not own him at all you lacked the one piece of the puzzle to achieve total victory even though I made several hints at it. Until then I grade you at a 95 of 100!