KagomJack said:
For Jury duty.
I've never been on Jury Duty, do you get paid?
Sovereign said:
I havn't realized that I am old enough to be called for jury duty. Shit shit shit shit. Fuck you! Fuck you! I'll claim mental retardation. Everyone knows I'd have no problem pulling that off!
What kind of case is it for? Do you have any details?
Just say you hate black people if you get called for jury duty, it's completely legal to hate black people and they will say you're "unfit" to serve.
Mantralord said:
i had jury duty once, i just didnt go
I thought Mexicans weren't allowed to do jury duty.
KagomJack said:
I don't know. It's only a summons, but maybe it'll be a groovy mystery!
Isn't a summons when you get called into court to testify or something like that?
kaos said:
Same. .
I'd say you're a better candidate for the person being tried rather than the jury.
MightyJoe said:
It sucks, prepare to have a least a half day wasted. Bring a book to read or something else to do. When I had to go, there was an hour of just waiting, then I had to go to another floor and wait for another 2 hours before getting into a court room. After that I was orginally seleceted to go onto the jury, but the prosecution removed me, so I was able to leave for the day.
So you were selected but they removed you? Why?
Sovereign said:
Lawl. I'll keep that in mind.
Wonder if anyone on the forums have been part of a jury for murder.
My mother was on a jury for a guy who killed his wife and raped his two daughters if that counts.
Thanatos said:
It's because your black, isn't it? Zonalon was probably in charge of selecting that day.
Zonalon is actually black, don't you know?
Penny_Bags said:
One time I was on jury duty.
Nope... sucks to be you.
Tell us your story Penny.
MightyJoe said:
Neg, I think since I mentioned I was missing school to the judge played a large part, he was like gtfo out and go to class.
I didn't know you could even get jury duty while you're still in school. Though I guess since you can be 18 and still be in school that makes sense. I think I would have been caught off guard if that happened to me.
MightyJoe said:
Well I just heard the real basics of the charges that were being brought up. But it was some sort of sexual assault case. I think it was a minor action not rape, something to a lesser degree. If I remember from my law class, there are like 4 different levels, I think it involved some guy who looked older, groping a female at a bar or something.
Bet it was Kaneda.
Do let us know what happens :-)
Penny_Bags said:
I wonder if anyone on the forums has murdered anyone?
Who have you been talking to...?
Lenny said:
With so many members, it's possible. But the confidentiality act will probably stop them from being able to say anything.
When I was working at a Solicitors Office for Work experience I had to photocopy a big pile of documents and pictures for a case about an attempted murder, if that counts... 12 inch kitchen knife up to the hilt down someones back. Eugh.
That's gruesome.
I killed him.
Sovereign said:
WWhy didnt i get to copy any cool shit when working for a printing center. All I got were stupid lawsuits.
Did you ever make a copy of your ass?
Thanatos said:
I work in a copy center at a law firm and that's pretty much all I copy.
Do you ever make copies of your ass?