Looks like the democrats will take control of the house, which makes me happy. Senate is too close to call. Dems lead in both races, although in Montana only 83% of the precints are reporting, and the democrats only lead by 3000. In Virginia, which is still contested, 99% are in, and democrats lead by 8000, which looks like it is plenty to put them over the top. I'm sure a recount is in order, though. Dems need to win both races to get the senate.
My guess is a lot of investors are concered, as to what the new government will look like and what goals it will want to set. As the main democratic campaign was based on basically saying we're not republicans so vote for us. They never really road mapped a plan for if they take control of the House and Senate, so investors are unsure what to expect from them. Some democrats could try to push for clean air bills which would result in companies paying millions of dollars to clean up thier pollution or something along these lines which would cut into profits and hurt the economy.
I don't know. That seems too simplistic of an approach, however we shall see. The stock market really has been where it is now for a while. It's not particularly down. Next couple of days will show how the election itself (Just the investors reaction to the democrats. I'm not necessarily talking about policy changes...if there are any. It will probably be a gridlock over the next two years) affects the market -- it is slightly up at the moment.