Posted 2006-08-09, 08:04 AM
I'm sure you've all been going through withdrawals. Sry bout that. I've been a bit... disposed recently. Well, I'm back. Sop it up. Bask. I won't hold it against you.
Aaanyhow, onto the real point of this thread.
Anybody remember how I won a laptop at Quakecon last year? Well, Quakecon just ended a couple of days ago. I won something this year too.
Alienware bitches!
AMD Turion 64 ML-44 2.4GHZ
1GB PC3200 DDR
And Good God it's got SLI
2x GeForce 7900 GS 256MB
And no head shaving or condom wielding for it either. It was the singing portion of a talent contest. I beat a girl who, after fucking up her encore, said she'd do anything to win and pulled her shirt up. *takes a bow*
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What is it they say about silence being golden?