Stick 'em down your pants.
I work in a big converted mill - now more or less a giant four storey warehouse. We get big orders of shoes, slippers, wellies, boots (Bacup Shoe)... and then toys (Alpha) and so on and so forth. Each of these orders is about 2- to 3000 boxes. We get two or three of these orders a DAY.
So, we've got to stack them on pallets. And, of course, these stacks can collapse. So we shrink-wrap them. Shrink-wrap is like cling film, basically. Except less clingy... and it shrinks when wrapped.
Well, we have lots of fun with shrink wrap; making balls of the stuff and lobbing them at each other (these balls are REALLY hard. Try it with some cling film - make it as tight and round as possible. Make the cling film into a long string, and roll it up. Believe me, it gets really hard).
The BEST fun, however, is shrink-wrapping each other
To poles.
You really have got to see a person secured to a pole and struggling before you can say you have truly lived. Highly amusing.