112 F Heat Index today at 2:00 PM. Thank god that tomorrow the high is in the upper 70s. I haven't been able to do much of anything outside since thursday. The heat index has been near 110 everyday, with about 60% humidity. This in southwest Minnesota. Funny thing is, the further north you travel the hotter it gets...
o.o I'm staying inside for the length of this 'heatwave'... Although I do have to go someplaces....
Ah well, it's Pennsylvania, so the weather sucks here all the time.
Nice, we're supposed to get that rain tomorrow, however tonight I've got an indoor roller hockey game, so the temp in there should prolly be well over 100. Since those places are usally atleast 10 degrees warmer than the outside temp.
There were black clouds hovering out over my town today. It's like a lake puked and it landed on us. So much rain, tons of lightning, and I heard from a very unreliable source that a tornado touched down in a town 15 miles from here.
Good weather for DQ tomorrow, supposed to rain and be cloudy for my entire shift. (10-4)