I was listening to a radio news program this morning and I heard them talking about how scientists are now growing frog and mouse meat. So I was thinking since no animals are slaughtered in the process... does that mean the end of vegetarianism? Just to try and support my story since it was on the radio: http://www.local6.com/news/4851623/detail.html
Theres a few other articles but they were more about how grown meat could be beneficial to astronauts... phf everyone knows you can't go into space!
"Don't think" meat is healthy... well thats just denying logic. It's human instinct to be a omnivore. As far as not liking it, I've yet to meet a vegetarian who has said I stopped eating meat because I didn't like it... sure they can grow to not like it, but theres just so many different kinds of meat and so many ways to prepare it. Thats poppycock, stubborness.
Anotherwards, anyone who stops eating meat for reasons besides animal cruelty is a god damn moron.
"Don't think" meat is healthy... well thats just denying logic. It's human instinct to be a omnivore. As far as not liking it, I've yet to meet a vegetarian who has said I stopped eating meat because I didn't like it... sure they can grow to not like it, but theres just so many different kinds of meat and so many ways to prepare it. Thats poppycock, stubborness.
Anotherwards, anyone who stops eating meat for reasons besides animal cruelty is a god damn moron.
Well I'm personally not a huge fan of meat, I'd be a full fledged vegetarian if it weren't for pepperoni and bacon, other than those I don't eat much meat at all(maybe the occassional bit of chicken breast or something like that.)
Hell, if you cant eat a medium rare ribeye steak with a baked potato, sprinkeled with bacon bits, then life is passing you buy. But seriously, most vegetarians are the most unhealthy people that this world has ever seen. Im not saying that eating meat is in order, but alot of protein and fiber is lost from not eating meat. This is just one more reason why vegetarians are so small. There are others too, but why go into it.
But if an infected cell is used by pure accident, then the whole 'crop' is infected.
It's a good idea though. I'd like to see all these people against clonging, and stem cell research and everything else people don't like to make a good argument against it.
Unless a robot does it, then there's always that 1 in however many million chance that an infected cell will get through. And even if the robot does do it, everything goes faulty some time.
I wonder when this meat will go on sale? I'd like to try some to get a taste of it.