Posted 2006-03-27, 07:32 AM
Alright, in light of a few people getting all bent out of shape over how much we post in Dragoon Elites, I was thinking of a way to remedy this situation without causing a major disruption to Zelaron. I basically have two ideas:
1. I say that we start using the Strategy section of our Forum more often for spamming and the like. Instead of creating all our threads in the Dragoon Elite, and the serious in Strategies, we do the exact opposite. Maybe not the EXACT opposite, but at least some of the Mods can move some threads to Strategy so it doesn't look so cluttered and full of Dragoon Elite posts to the rest of Zelaron.
2. We make an official World Record Dragoon Elite Thread (WRDET) and just spam the shit out of it when we want to fuck around.
I'm only suggesting this because honestly, when I was a really active member at Zelaron and with the entire board, it annoyed the shit out of me when new Hosted Forums were made and it got spammed to shit. So I can see where some of the members are getting annoyed. This way, we can keep up our silly antics, but make it appear that we are getting better.
