I read on bungie today that the next playlist update won't be done until Sept 5-9. I was hoping it'd be done today with the release of the new maps but I suppose they want to give everyone a chance to learn the maps.
However, the sweetest news in the update is that they'll be adding a new unranked training style playlist... TEAM SNIPERS! That is going to be a frustrating, yet fun playlist. I hope they toss in a couple of small maps like midship or foundation just to make it interesting.
ill punch u in the face if they do that ...... midship and foundation is no place for snipers or harris {his mind is gone}
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
I don't think anyplace is right for Harris anymore, but seriously, it would definately change up the pace of the playlist a bit and it would be a great place to practice no scopes.
harris is gone but soon as the 360 comes out we will be getting tommy
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
I have progressively gotten worse with the sniper rifle... now i just suck.
Are you nuts!?!? You still kick ass with it. I'm the only one that isn't good at all with it. If I do happen to do decent, it was luck... I remember that one BTB game where the other team was like, "Holy shit, that claudio guy is the best fucking sniper ever!"
Man, after playing that Asian Bitch, while being graced with the presence of Steve-motherfucking-Harris (!!!!!!), I really can't wait for Team Snipers playlist.
Harris is slowly but surely getting back to his old form. I missed having him cover me. We always end up in the same place because we have the same style and it's nice not being alone in the dark corner anymore.
what tidus says is very true ... i remember titus and harris doing somthing in the corner of the base at zanzibar
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Yeah, very crazy, however, not ranked, so it's really fun. Team Snipers is fun as shit too! I can't wait until I get slightly better at sniping, probably won't happen though.
I am utterly bad with it though. I'm gonna need like 500 games in Snipers until I get pretty good with it.. I'm starting to realize that 5X zoom is the best way to go, unless they are really far away. Sue and I discussed last night that we both have the same problem of accidentally clicking the zoom button when firing, which screws up our site and aim.
I guess he figured out how to adapt to that problem though, since he is a genius with the Snipe.