well for some reason i started up my computer and double clicked the san andreas icon and then nothing loads up, at first i see the little hour glass thing for a bit then it goes away. i don't know why it doesn't work because yesterday it was working fine. my brother said it might have to do with the link or something but anyone else got any advice? when i double click it, i see the program on the Process list in my windows task manager but like a second later it disappears just to let you know
You haven't installed WinDVD or any new sound/video codec packs, have you? They gave me trouble at first, but I decided to reformat later and it worked out again. Really, if it works one day and the next it doesn't, you need to backtrack the changes you've made to your system.
If you're absolutely certain you have not done any manual alterations to your system configuration, the game files may be damaged. If so, back up your save game files and reinstall the game.
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